Friday, March 10, 2006


Doctor Strangelove Donald Rumsfield sounded tired and confused when he affirmed that the Iraqui security forces would do battle should the disparate tribes/sects of Iraq fall into full scale civil war but he failed to mention who they would battle with/against--It is up to them--The war was so much easier and so much clearer when it was just a lightly opposed blitzkreig--The limelight seemed to have much more lime then--the deadly neocon lecturns Washington wide seemed so sturdied by their lethal certitude--There seems now a slight tone of resignation--Maybe the LongWar seems too long now--The mahogany foxholed neocons and their strident plans for an instantly gratified 'strategery' of remaking of the middle east bore an unmistakeable air of delusion that sadly went unchallenged by all but a handful of those belonging to the party that seems perpetually in search of a spine--Now they mumble their maybe mea culpas to each other--Is anybody anywhere listening to Mr. Perle the architect of this major blunder?-- Mr. Bush exhorts "total victory" but clearly has difficulty accessing a virtual definition--plainly speaking he can't tell us what he means by it--Poor old Rummy retreats to the spin room reminiscent of old Bob McNamara's musing aloud--'If only we had the right numbers we could win this thing'-- Rumple says if we just call them terrorists instead of insurgents or instead of referring to it as a war on terrorism we label it anew 'the long war' we can certainly modify the outcome--Maybe we have just never had enough good acronyms- How have America's leaders (not just the repubs) become so divorced from the real world?--Rumball really laid it on the line stating that corruption threatened to imperil the possibility of any democracy ever taking hold in Iraq--The story was buried on page eight--you know, inside the fold--Saddams fiefdom sort of kept the whole area from self immolation but Iraq now seems to have never been a country at all--Imagine the embarassment of having to ask Iran to help stabilize this situation all the while denying to ourselves that monolithic islamic jihad is actually killing each other very uncivilly--

ADDENDUM::The Rumster opined recently that since we've destroyed the Iraqi Luftwaffe as well as their Panzer legions and U-boat fleets that leaving Iraq now would be like leaving Germany to the defeated Nazi's-- no further questions, Your Honor-----


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