The Democratic party is now it seems an odds-on shoo-in to retake authority in congress in the upcoming mid-term elections this fall--Subpeonas are being unsheathed and such camerahog stallwarts as Sen. Schumer are salivating at the prospect of free media face time in the upcoming investigatory extravaganza -- Short on substantial solutions to our debt dependency and other looming financial disorders no longer very well hidden in our glorious house of economic cards not to mention the extreme cowardice exemplified in their refusal to confront anyone least of all themselves concerning the Iraqi elephant raising such a ruckus with the shock and awe of our own hubris the democrats commonly depreciated in the many circles of overheard conversation lately as 'pathetic' have proven worthy of such mantles by opting for a strategy of attempting victory by default--Their opposition is expected to be so fractured by an internecine collapse of political discipline coupled with the baggage of a severely weakened politically deadbeat if not indicted white house that such a spineless hallucinatory strategy offers such potentially profound rewards--As if everyone except the Democrats is in favor of higher gas prices and against the canards of alternative energy--There was a time not so very long ago when democrats weren't ruled by political soccer moms-- Back then they were men-- 'Helluva Vision' -- Check it out!!-- it's the new CD by the ghost of Woody Guthrie--
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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