Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Memorial Day came and went and the echo of the feeble Bush/Blair joint search for some strange measure of attonement without once referring to the massive destruction laid on innocent life as a result of their neocriminal rush to pre-emptive war wafts across America's graveyards (as well as Iraq's) bereft of any understanding of their connection to or their own complicity in this world tragedy-- Their ludicrous hubris unveiled by their noxious reference to how history futurewise will view their stand states in no uncertain terms how far divorced from the reality-based theatres of world/war politics their self-absorbed narcissistic spawn has led them-- Neither man knows the real terror of the situation working itself out boots-on-the-ground in Iraq nor seems truly interested-- The more ignorance we feign the less we can be blamed for is probably not the first use of such defense--"Bring it on" now not as instigation of the insurgency nor as mea culpa but as a 'misinterpretation' by others-- Who will dispute that the insurgency has indeed brought it on and continues to do so and by doing it so well attracts dedicated others to their lethal cause--The frequency of attacks grows and the misguided hope that the new 'greenzone' government now sporting a Minister of Tourism but not yet a Minister of Defense/Interior will somehow stop diminish or even slow the intensifying mayhem seems a grasping at the straw that's breaking the camel's back-- Merely holding elections does not grant sovereignty nor legitimacy-- Maybe Washington D.C.'s world paradigm is the big problem-- 'It just didn't work out like we hoped.'-- And it is a far cry from yet being finished-- Mission not accomplished--


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

12:13 AM  

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