Wednesday, June 28, 2006


By now everyone knows the NYTimes broke the story of the Bush administration's secret investigation of potential terrorism financing everywhere by penetrating the most secret/secure banking records of most if not all of the world's major banks and financial institutions-- Not disputing the most obvious most bankers everywhere in the world are rather upset to put it mildly and not to mention peeved world governments who might not like having their business secrets open to neocon snoopery but the White House spin centers on the messenger and not its damning message-- Said another way it's easier for Porky Rove to blame or possibly intimidate the newsboy than the cat already out of the bag but why is that so?-- What is the intimidating tantrum designed to deflect our attention away from?--
In previous come-to-light malodorities (oooops! almost opined illegalities) would not the outrage usually be directed toward the leaker?-- the spiller of the embarassing beans?-- 'You can run but you can't hide' kind of tough talk delivered from the invective lectern for a nightly newspot meant to frighten other potential whistle blowers and truth tellers-- Not this time though-- Rove and Company know who the leaker might be or at least where the leak generally came from and they are not, obviously, as cozy as a fiddler crab on a marsh bank (as John Wayne might have once said) about it and what it might pertain to future leaks --
Speculation deserves its day on occasion and perhaps on this occasion it has earned its due-- The leak came from the CIA-- Not new man Hayden or his personal crew but someone obviously disgruntled-- someone with an old axe to grind-- someone whose arm the Bush sidekick Cheney once twisted-- someone or more than one perhaps whom CIA Helmsman at the time Porter Goss unceremoniously and disgracefully purged from the agency too little and too late to turn the diminishing agency into a simple administrative rubber stamp but once again in an attempt to intimidate some of 'those left behind'-- An Insurgency in the Intelligence Community????-- Clancy LeCarre et. al. must be drooling at the prospect--If the Department of Defense now gets roughly 80% of all the spy money and a concommitant 80% of mission priorities any number of former CIA analysts, agents, and operatives of sundry and various rank finding themselves all of a sudden out in the proverbial cold conditional to of course their having been correct about the intel surrounding pre-shock and awe Iraq would have speculatively sufficient and dramatic (job loss) reasons to be a continual thorn in the side of the stupidly short-sighted kind of hardball Mr. Rove and his power entourage seem to take such relish about engaging in-- Rove and the boys know that there may be more leakers than news outlets (speculative hyperbole) and that they probably face a two and a half year run through a precisely paced gauntlet of exposed revelations scandals and misdemeanors perhaps even salted here and there with felonious criminalities of both local and international import timed to continually intersect with any potential gains in political momentum Bushido and Company might be tempted to claim--Bend over, Karl, reap what you've sown--It's the Book of Revelations --isn't it?
The demise of the Rumsfeld-glamorized thug Al Zarquawi portended the very momentum the neocon misadventure needed to spin a positive light of progress around the upcoming mid term elections when out of the blue Bush's handpicked ambassador to Iraq Mr. Khalilzad purveyed a super secret cable(supposedly read by Bush as he sneaked into the Green Zone for a post-Zarquawi photo-op) to State Sec. Condi graphically delineating the potential disintegration and collapse of 'liberated' Baghdad and boom! There it is!!--THE CABLE-- The Washington Post scoops them all-- Zarquawi who?--Perhaps these are the Final Days-- at least for some (indigenous iraqis employed at our Green Zone embassy find Baghdad's survival conditions deplorable enough to inquire about U.S. contingency plans for evacuation) and they certainly bode well worth watching--


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