Just when one thought the Democratic Party had sunk to the lowest of the low comes the story of Seattle resident Hong Tran--It seems she wanted to exercise her once inalienable right to challenge the rich and talented pro-IraqWar incumbent Senator Maria Cantwell to be the Democratic nominee for the Senate seat up for grabs in the mid term elections in November-- Not only was Tran informed she would not be allowed to hang any of the handfull of her own campaign signs in the room already replete with Cantwell banners but also Tran would be disallowed any speaking privileges at the big Party meet-up-- This from the Party always championing the right to free speech-- This from the Party who used to speak for the little people for the working people-- This from the Party who always touted inclusion and diversity-- That vietnamese Tran should meet with such arrogant elitism really isn't so surprising-- Tran opposes the Iraq war while the Democratic Party wishes the issue would disappear or resolve itself before it is forced to confront its own stupid complicity in this unnecessary daily slaughter and its morally vapid failure to stand up and join the majority of the American people (My God, even Muskogee redneck Merle Haggard is publicly speaking out) now in frustrated opposition-- Cantwell so far has shown herself to be an artless dodger tepidly aping the Bush credo of stay the course but attempting to make it appear only quasi-supportive (sort of Bush Lite) meanwhile the tempo of violence escalates and the so-called unity government fails to unify anything-- Cantwell's camp has admitted trouble in attracting activist help to man phone banks and go door to door and her lead in the polls drops-- Has she shown real leadership ?--Does she really deserve their support?-- If the Iraq war spells out higher oil prices and ultimately financial bankruptcy for the country as well as the government shouldn't she be held responsible/accountable??--
While the incumbent senator spins her lack of a real position as a year of transition for Iraq echoing the pre-Tet Light at the End of the Tunnel banality of another not so long ago quagmire the dual insurgencies Sunni and Shia prepare for a much longer more violent fight-- The poseur Democrats arrogantly flatter themselves they are playing Hardball by denying the courageous Hong Tran air time-- (Hardball ? !! Isn't that what the insurgents are playing??)Let's hope she wasn't solicited to make a monetary contribution to the millionaire senator's PAC-- The rumored political obscenity of anti-war soccer mom Russ Feingold appearing at this incumbent-only Democratic Party confluence to rally support for the incumbent Bush lackey is quite troublingly ironic-- The lack of evident conviction melds again with molten political expediency--The good news is Hong Tran's principled persistence finally cowed the Democrats into allowing her a three-minutes-only speech and may have gained her my write-in vote come November's election day--
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