Yes, where are they?-- FEIGNING RESOLUTION on a disunited call to bring the troops home--That's right-- Faking it-- A counter ploy designed to alleviate the abject embarassment foisted on them by Chubby Rove's boys reveling in another nonbinding senate resolution for which the Democrats had no answer but to perpetuate their standard low grade whine -- Fed a plate of humiliating crow poop ('Hmm! buttery a touch of oak'-- like it's wine tasting)-- The dysfunctional dems failed to achieve anything resembling consensus mumbled musings about phased redeployments and strong stands and timetables and soon the platform agenda is rendered MIA for the midterm elections this fall--Afraid meanie Rove will lable them cowardly, how they appear now weighs more on the gravitas scale than real substantive stands-- Their finger in the wind platform for the fall (double entendre/ help me, rhonda) is exhibit A should they be indicted for acting devoid of political conviction--
A viable political party must have coin-of-the-realm Moral Credibility--The Moral Creed of the Republicans is well summed in the word Greed (for which some of them should be rewarded with a conviction) and they proudly display greed's victorious ribbon rack on their chest touting as an example various successful tax cuts for the bloated rich as well as the glorious subversion (directly in the face of elitist democrats who meekly aquiesced) for ten years so much as a meager dime's increase in the minimum wage-- But we certainly know where they stand as do those who support them which is probably why they are the majority party-- As a functionally principled political party the dems have no discernably principled position on Foreign Affairs--no discernibly principled position on the Iraq War-- no discernably principled position on Immigration-- no discernably principled position on Health Affairs-- no discernably principled position on the coming collapse of the Housing Bubble--no discernably principled and knowledgeable position on a viable energy future other than the shallow techie canards of alternativity-- thirty five discernible positions though they do have on gender identity crises for which now a confluence of dem leaders disagreed to agree on extolling the wonderful diversity of opinion in 'our potty'-- Thirty years of soccer mom feminism co-opting once strong masculine labor agendas and in the first two games of the World Cup we managed no shots on goal--NONE!!!!!-- NADA!!!!-- NIL!!!!!!-- Oh, the Humanity!!!!!!!!
Something is drastically and acutely wrong with this picture-- You can't win if you can't score--You can't score if you can't shoot at the goal-- To shoot at the goal you must be able to see the goal--Once you see the goal you must attack with a real plan consisting of true leadership and a unified teamwork-- Sorry, but worrying whether the opposition bully will call you names is nothing more than unvarnished cowardice-- You deserve the yellow card--Leave the field-- Fear is not a real plan, it is only darkness and if not faced and not overcome paralysis of the will can indeed insue-- Somewhere in the Middle East a real insurgency is battling (with real not digital bullets bombs and blood) to 'Take Back Our (their)Country'-- That the cozy elitist minority party would adopt such a shibboleth as a campaign slogan seriously mocks the nature of the work required for such an 'visionary' outcome-- Get serious!!!! Was it ever 'your' country to begin with????--And why?????-- Self-inflicted ineptitude would be amusingly pathetic were the consequences so trivial as the outcome of a soccer game-- The real danger is the republic itself could perish/collapse by this in-action and the so-called best and the brightest of our fundraising statesmen/poseurs on both sides of the aisle will be the last to know-- Shine, D.C., shine!!!!!!--
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