With mid-term elections less than six months away both parties are stumbling toward the verge of political exhaustion-- Neither party nor the mainstream media-ocracy can summon the courage or political energy to deal forthrightly with the most pressing extant problems of the day-- Republicans briefly resurrect the ancient flag-burning ammendment in a highly orchestrated collusion with Democrats defeating it by the most narrow of margins-- A single vote like a nod is as good as a wink to dead horses but both parties feel their bases were energized by this cynical charade and a plethora of other recent mendacious non-binding resolutions concerning fictitious troop timetables -- The Ongoing Debacle in Iraq??-- The Internal Schisms in the Military and Intelligence Communities??-- Viable Energy Future??-- Housing Bubble??-- Climate Change??-- Gargantuan Debt??-- Federal Deficit Disorder??-- State Revenue Shortfalls??-- Bankrupt Pension-Funds Everywhere??-- Non-Health-Care??--Not these lion-hearted smear-mongering finger-in-the-wind fundraiser/incumbents--
Rumored to be dis-illusioned by the tentacled blatant scandal/corruption of the Abramoff et. al. follies, will the evangelicals turn out and vote lockstep with Rover's Homeboy non-issues and save the republican majority in both houses??-- Will disaffected peace seeking activists sufficiently punish the continued non-offensive Democratic acquiessence to the misbegotten neocon attempt at world hegemony by staying home or opting for independent third party types (No Senator Joe 'me first' Lieberman not included)??-- Does it matter??-- Will the election outcome induce either party to commit non-random acts of courage engaging the dangers our republic and its citizens face??-- Will the election outcome ward off the enervating political vacuum threatening to envelop D.C.??-- Notttttt likely!!--
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