Friday, July 14, 2006


Has Israel started the eventual war against Iran that Bush's neocriminals wanted but were too politically weak to initiate on their own??-- Why has Bush once again meekly and deafeningly caved in to Israel with a muted low-keyed response to the international calls for a truce/cease fire??-- Will Israel extend the foray into Lebanon by attacking Syria long a neocon target for a re-made re-regimed Middle East??-- Will Iran introduce troops/insurgents into Iraq to further complicate the quagmire there??-- If so, how many might they infiltrate--5,000 or maybe 10,000 or say a little more serious ante of 100,000??-- What would be enough to further complicate our seriously overstretched undermanned and under-armored troops already toiling full-plate in the lethal chaos and harm's way of bloody Iraq??-- Will Iran attack Israel touching off the contagion of the real Mother of All Battles??-- Did the near-recession state of Israel's economy bear on their decision to decimate the Lebanese economy's infrastructure and its connections to the rest of the world??-- Is opening two different battle fronts in the middle east a declaration of alliance to the Bush neocons and their 'final days' platform of permanent war??-- Will Israel's 'never-again!' mega-proportionate response to the reckless dare of Hizbollah set in motion the chain of events that will destroy the entire global economy??-- Is Israel intent on self-defense or self-destruction??-- Are they so blinded by their military hubris to believe peace may somehow be derived from such overkill or do they just want to blow up a lot of buildings and a lot of people??--Is this about newcomer Olmert's 'credibility'??-- Are those still unchastened neocons actively deluded enough to believe bombing Iran now will give them their desperate churchillianlike ('The world will thank us in the end') fantasy-victory thereby exonerating them for their ongoing economically ruinous failure in Iraq??-- Where is the oxymoronic U.S. leadership??-- Has anything they have told us about Iraq been born out by fact??-- Is the non-negotiable American way of life in danger of seriously diminishing returns due to a sharply higher spike in oil prices??-- One spike followed by another followed by another and so on... until what??-- How many of our graduates won't be attending college this fall as a result??-- How many new homeowners won't be able to make their payments this month??-- How much new credit-card debt can sustain possible $4/gallon of gasoline??-- How many non-performing loans and foreclosures can the banking system sustain??-- Does the mahogany foxholed D.C. think tanker ever contemplate such strategic consequences to real people in America??-- Are there any problems anywhere in the Middle-East that can't be solved by idealogical carpet bombing??-- Did the Sunni-Shia-Kurd tribal sectarian divide in anyway kowtow to 'Shock & Awe' ??-- Is Mr. Bush playing kiss-up to suddenly world-player Putin anything but a cheerleader on the sideline with an Israeli megaphone??-- Is he in Olmert's pocket the same way he belonged to Ariel Sharon??-- Is he incapable of leading??-- Where are his proposals??-- Does he remember the Liberty incident??-- Did Israel know of 9-11 in advance??-- Has Israel ever acted in our interest??-- Are they on the right side of History??-- Why do spineless Democrat pols blame Bush for Israel's decision to widen the war??-- Where are their plans??--Do we hear any of their proposals??-- Are we any closer now to democracy in the Middle-East??-- Have we been sold a dream of paradise in the eye of a real category five firestorm/hurricane??-- Is the rug being pulled out from under us??-- Are we or have we become powerless to control our destiny??-- Is our destiny so intertwined with Israel that if they go down we go down with them??--Are we already bankrupt??--Do any of these questions easily answer themselves??-- Were any of these questions easy to entertain or lightly asked??-- Why aren't they being asked elsewhere or are they??-- Are you well prepared for any of these eventualities??--


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