Wednesday, July 26, 2006


New Iraq prime minister Malicki's speech to congress survived the few Democratic senators who irate at Malicki's condemnation of 'Israeli aggression' attempted to abrogate the free speech plank in our constitution by in effect canceling his invitation--While their censorship gambit failed (Coach Hastert refused to block the speech) AIPAC contributions to their campaign treasure/war chests improved the countenance of their mini-defeat-- Hastert couldn't refuse the prime minister his invitation afterall Malicki's speech was sought by the Bush crew to enhance their political position for the upcoming fall midterm elections-- Malicki now a prime-minister with no visible means of political support (30 to 40 American advisors) in Iraq from anyone anywhere flails about earnestly trying to do the impossible was flown to the Congressional lecturn to paint the Iraq debacle in as glowingly positive terms as possible-- Bush met with Malicki to devise a new plan for Baghdad security since the old Malicki plan approved by Bush and sold by the administration as the next milestone that would secure the peace did nothing of the kind and failed miserably spiraling downward into an ever intensifying maelstrom of violence-- The new Bush/Malicki strategery as the media spin labeled it isn't really strategy-- It is simply the continued tweaking of tactics this way that way the other way that in no way can produce the silk purse of the initial ill-imagined sow's ear strategy to invade Iraq under-manned and under-armored to overthrow Saddam Hussein for possession of imaginary WMD's, control and co-opt the oilfields and belatedly as an add-on replicate American Democracy in a world terribly and most probably prohibitively suited to such fantasy-- ' know, Just Wait'--
..........Fewer leaders in the Arab states are as loudly critical of Hezbollah as they were a week ago-- The 'Arab Street' is solidly behind the group and Saudi leaders as well as Egyptian politicos seek to balance their positions for fear of stoking popular uprisings in their own country-- It's only in America Britain and Israel where Hezbollah is labeled a terrorist group most everywhere else in the middle east they are considered a political organization-- That Hezbollah weathered the initial Israeli incursion into southern Lebanon inflicting embarassingly high casualties on the vaunted Golani Brigades of the Israeli infantry is interpreted as victory by the general populations across the Arab world-- Israeli prime minister Olmert has been reported to have reacted in a pique of outright anger that the world media is portraying the citizenry of Lebanon to be the victims of Israeli agression-- In his meeting with his military advisors the room apparently erupted when Olmert clearly militarily naive declared the Israeli retaliation was going according to plan-- Many advisors took a decidely opposite stance-- The plan they averred was not working and would not succeed-- Hezbollah's ability to fire rockets into Israel is deemed factually undeterred if not actually improved and the ambush capability along with the quality of fearlessness with which they execute their fight/resistence to the Israeli ground assault has met with praise and respect from seasoned Israeli Combat officers and lower ranking combatants as well-- This is not the dancing tank blitzkriegs mid-sixties arab-military ineptitude all over again-- Gone-- History--
..........The templates of how lesser equipped combatants can assymetrically engage and defeat a huge WWII heavily armored mechanized industrial army are and have been readily available for anyone's study to gain highly effective open-source practical know-how-- Since everytime the word Vietnam is broached in discussions of Iraq and the two newest fronts in the Middle East cauldron it is usually met with sustained fire of denial, we can employ the template of how the big bad Russian Army failed in Afghanistan-- Actually they didn't 'fail' they were defeated-- While American intelligence/statesmen proclaimed the heady cold war victory initially they soon fell asleep behind the wheel-- With a reverberation felt throughout the world the success of the 'poor little guy' was actually the success of the brutally tough resilient persevering Mujahideen plied with state of the art guerilla weaponry from the U.S.-- Insurgent weaponry (in current and improvised generations which kills Americans in Iraq with continued relentless frequency) continues to proliferate profusely world wide -- Stinger missiles and laser guided tank killers dramatically and assymetrically equalize disproportionate armed-power on mountainous battlefields, in urban conclaves or any terrain of guerilla choosing-- CIA supplied the Afghani rebels with detonators for car bombs that gave and continue to provide the lesser funded insurgencies to any occupation nearly if not more pin point precision than their high flying opposition/counterpart air forces--
...........The most condemned yet under-respected traits these resistence fighters demonstrate repeatedly is the efficacy of their intent faith and moral (in their eye) objectives usually pejoratively dismissed as fanaticism-- (A reminder: given the choice between the much carelessly bantered 72 virgins reward and living to fight another day most of them choose continued breathing)-- However this faith allows them to withstand the demoralization intended by the vastly superior explosive firepower perpetrated by the Israelis-- The faith that gives someone strength and courage enough to pop up out of a spiderhole to engage a mega-Tank with a shoulder fired weapon is not something to be dismissed lightly-- Rarely if ever in a twenty blog sample did U.S. soldiers' post the God-willing type of faith in their mission the insurgents brandish almost defiantly on a daily or even on occasion an hourly basis-- Most soldier blogs are colored by dispirited ennui and acute boredom-- Regardless of genius sec-def Rumsfeld's dismissal, low morale indicates lack of faith and moral uncertainty...period!!!--
.........Saturday-- Israel has pulled it's vaunted infantry brigades out of the Hezbollah stronghold it bragged to the world a week ago it had under complete control-- Gone is the declaration to exterminate Hezbollah-- Gone is the 21 kilometer buffer zone north of the Israel border-- Gone is the 2 kilometer buffer zone of mid-week-- Gone is the occupation and control of Bint Jbail--Gone is the Israeli infantry's invincibility-- Gone is everything capable of being spun as Victory for Israel-- Hezbollah disarmed will no longer be conditional to a possible cease fire agreement according to Israeli officials-- Blair and Bush jumped in a desperate hurry Friday to mount the cease fire podiums-- Rice to Israel on Saturday as suddenly everyone wants cease fire-- Condi's obvious 'birth pangs of a New Middle East' seem almost unconsciously prophetic-- The birth will not resemble in any way its neocon fathers-- Not a Chance--


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