The Seattle Times seems to have commandeered incumbent Maria Cantwell's re-election campaign for her-- This time a color picture of the embattled senator commiserating with war widows above a story that had the temerity to acknowledge that the Iraq War was not even discussed during the disengenuous photo/op meetup between the incumbent and the widows-- Nevermind that Cantwell's support for Bush's neocon misadventure in Iraq is directly responsible for thousands more joining the painful ranks of widowhood and thousands more having earned the difficult caretaker-for-life job of nursing those maimed and paralyzed-- Shouldn't Maria Cantwell be held accountable for her vote??-- Shouldn't she have to defend her 'A Year of Transition for Iraq' non-position on the War??-- Her primary opponent Hong Tran takes clear intelligent and principled stands on The Iraq War and other pertinent issues-- Her candidacy's web page details her compelling life story and her devotion to service among those not sporting access to privileged lifestyles Cantwell circles in -- You know, the kinds of less privileged among us on whose side the now elitist Democratic Party used to do battle-- We know where the impressive Tran stands even if she doesn't magnetize the elephantian volumes of campaign cash needed to buy off the media conglomerates in order to get her message out-- Even if Tran's run doesn't succeed she should be proud of her principled effort-- The old white girls' exclusionary wing of the Democratic Party has shamefully sold the traditional party and its constituency out and can't quite figure out why hispanic and black voters are jumping ship much less white men-- Houston, the party has a lemon on its hands even if Cantwell weakly manages to salvage her seat--Even the moderate mahogany foxholed think tanks of D.C. couldn't muster much help for the senator of the Party even Woody Guthrie would no longer recognize--'There's gonna be some Hard Travelin' up that political road this fall-- At least, candidate Tran would be a fighter--
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