Monday, July 31, 2006


Forty Dead Children!!!!!-- Jesus, it took forty dead kids for Israel to give pause in its evil self-serving self-delusive righteousness-- What are these desperate people hoping to accomplish??-- Olmert apologizes from the bottom of his heart acknowledging that Israel didn't see the civilians-- Didn't look for them, as a matter of fact-- Just looking for targets(buildings) to demolish-- Olmert the dilletante stupid enough to believe his Air Force could eliminate Hezbollah in three days now cynically justifies the civilian casualties because leaflets dropped by the Israeli bombers warned the Lebanese to leave their houses because Israel intended to pulverize their family homes into rubble-- Those that did leave were then bombed in free-fire fashion as they fled in their family cars on unpassably bombed out roads-- What a duplicitous schmuck--
........Obviously by now the world must see this retaliatory retribution aided and abetted by the frustrated Bush the bunkered Cheney the deluded Rumsfeld and the shrilly ineffectual Rice had been planned months beforehand waiting only for an opportunistic pretext-- Like Israel has never forayed across an international boundary and has never kidnapped Hezbollah soldiers-- Israel strode like a despised giant into Gaza and arrested numerous members of the elected Hamas government-- No outcry from Israeli Sycophant Krauthammer who ceased being a real friend to Israel a long time ago ('Friends don't let friends drive drunk') obviously thinks Hezbollah has no right to defend itself from repeated Israeli incursions into lebanon-- Be that as it may, does Israel and the U.S. hope these egregious war crimes against the Lebanese civilians will draw Syria into the fray acting to enable a U.S. strike on Iran??--
......Mr.Bush calls these atrocities an 'opportunity'-- For what??-- More tough talk and carnage??-- Please explain yourself, Mr. Bush, how do we get from one bomb forty dead kids to a terrorless 'new middle-east' the parameters of which you can't even begin to describe and why hasn't the mythical omnipotent Israeli army been able to achieve this arrogant fantasy in six-day fashion??-- Or is it an opportunity for more political and economic self-destruction??-- As the Israeli Generals and Politicians already fingering the blame on each other as the scapegoats of their arrogant collective failure one must ask if regime change in Israel is now the ironic fait accompli of such an ill-planned mis-adventure?-- Will a new Israeli prime minister have to prove, like Olmert, capable of bleeding more Arabs and their children??-- In Iraq regime change once a blithe exercise in American supremacy is now undeniably an abject excruciatingly ugly failure that you, Mr. Bush, deliberately refuse to see and that the American media collaboratively seek to hide from our people--
..........Now what is the complete free-fire dismemberment of Lebanon supposed to signify??-- A Revelation??-- A spasm of Rapture for the evangelical allies-- A portent of the newly risen and this time successful Neocondi dream of a remade Middle East that is not DOA??-- Security??-- The Hail Mary pass that rescues an insidiously stupid game plan on the final pang??-- Just Wait!!-- No, Let's Roll!!-- No, Just Wait!!!-- Mission Accomplished!!-- (well almost)-- 'We are going to impose our will on Iraq'-- 'There is no Insurgency'-- 'We have found the weapons of mass destruction'-- 'No, Just Wait-- 'We are all Neocons now'-- More Lies??--
.......A mother of the murdered dead asks 'Why is the world doing this to us?'-- What would you tell her??--What would Hillary tell her??-- 'That all Israeli sons are now our sons too.'??--(If the converse of this is true and all our daughters are the daughters of Israel you'd better fetch Chelsea a rifle)-- Whoring for campaign funding from the 'friends' of Israel would you tell the mother of the dead children of Qana that her slaughtered progeny were the Justified fodder of that 'new middle east'??-- Why aren't the Lebanese children your children too??-- Are they not part of your politically correct 'Village'??-- Is your quest for the Presidency worth the price of your moral compass??-- Is your career worth that??-- Further, is your ambition so blind and calculating actually good for Israel in the long run??-- If you knew that collective retribution/punishment was a war crime and that Israel sought to prosecute such action would you attempt to dissuade them/your friend??-- How many future guerillas does this hideous episode engender??-- If the War On Terror is so integral so important so all-encompassing why haven't the offspring of the elites joined the battle??-- Why haven't the cyber-supertoughs of the blogosphere bloodied their keyboards and joined the real war effort??-- How many times does a professional politician look up and pretend that he/she just doesn't see?? The answer, my friend, it ain't blowin' in the wind and America ain't All Israeli now--


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