Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Is it true FEMA has contracted with Hezbollah to help rebuild New Orleans??-- What about Mississippi's gulf coast??-- Halliburton too busy in Iraq??-- Bechtel??-- The present administration's inefficacy and corruption have now become child's play for cynics and satirists everywhere while media-nimble Nasralla and Iran were first out of the blocks to portray themselves as the creators and rebuilders of a Middle Eastern world ravaged and destroyed by Israeli militants and their war-crime enablers the Americans-- Asleep at the battered wheels of U.S. foreign policy not so media-nimble stay-the-course George Bush half-heartedly responded four days later with vague directions about coming up with some money somewhere for Lebanon so the Islamofascists don't get to 'catapult all the propaganda'-- There seem to be no alternatives in the minds of our leaders to the idea that the continuing failure of using military force to alter the Middle East in our favor as well as the Israelis is still the best applicable option available-- The failure is not a military one but really a failure of imagination-- A failure too of nerve-- The biggest most unmanly failure of all: Failure to admit obvious failure--
__________Now as the wheels begin to come off even the early true-believers are jumping ship-- George Will!-- William Buckley!-- Chuck Hegel!-- Joe Scarbrough!-- Larry Kudlow Wall Street cheerleader who devoted many segments of his business show in support of the neocon plan to surgically supplant a major world regime and blithely replace it with a brand spanking new freshly built national democracy all in five days-- Joe Lieberman walks his own gangplank a former Democrat neocon primary loser whose fate seems to have inspired many a John Kerry (I was for the war before I was against it ) mea culpa for example the one emmanating from John Edwards recently while More not Less Troops Hillaryous and her now positionless ilk lick their forefingers searching for wind resembling principle-- One never knows where Thomas Friedman really stands on anything but now he says he's for plan B, whatever that means-- Probably that he won't ride the ship down with a Captain who now stubbornly avows we will never leave Iraq while he is the President and Chief Decider-- Here comes Go-along-to-get-along John McCain badmouthing Shock and Awe Mission Accomplished Stuff Happens A Few Dead Enders Purple Fingers and whatever else will put some distance between his White House hopes and his staunch support for those Dead Enders currently esconced in its occupancy-- Will all those pundits like Geraldo and Greta Van return to CNN now that Foxstars WeareWinning O'Reilly and InevermetaLiberalIdidn'tHate Hannity face the difficult music falling from grace-- Neo-Neocon Casualties for whom facts never counted-- Chris 'We are all Neocons now' Matthews loses the Harball credibility he once sought--
_____ Kudos go to Scott Ritter the former United States Marine and U.N. weapons inspector who once personally dared Saddam Hussein to hang him but more importantly stood up for Truth and challenged the bogus neocon hysteria only to have his character assassinated and smeared by the vile Karl Rove-- Kudos to the late David Hackworth a Sam Damon-like officer and gentleman who when living was our Nation's highest decorated soldier and who always looked out for our/his troops first a singular truth teller for whom his country and his men always came before career-- And Kudos to Pat Buchanan who never jumped on the deluded zionist bandwagon in the first place risking his political status as well as his livelihood from the verbal assaults of those throwing around the false moniker of anti-semite awarded to those justifiably criticizing the stupidity and brutality of the Israeli Government-- The retired Generals Zinni, Batiste, Neubold et. al. who risked the moniker of 'traitor' from those who never served by informing the underinformed Americans among us that the Iraq war effort was botched from the swaggered start by false intelligence, true ignorance and the sheer incompetence of those provident leaders (Don Rumsfeld in particular but clearly aimed at those above him) 'who never have to execute such missions and never have to bury the results' --
_______The handwriting is on the wall for all the neocons and it is no longer legible but where and when and how the mess in Iraq finally ends is ominous guesswork at the moment-- In Israel now serious dissent and even more serious questions beleager PM Olmert and his entire war entourage from all quarters of society and what appears from the analyses, daily editorials and reader opinions in Haaretz is that survival and all its attendant issues from corruption to favoritism to incompetence to injustice to criminality in the military the government and in society itself must be confronted seriously and debated seriously and real working solutions must be found not just another election featuring the latest fashionable opportunists full of hollow slogans and retrograde pandering-- Failure may mean death of a nation-- Israel has made itself a pariah state that has become the least safe place in the world for Jews to live-- Made so by itself not making friends with the world-- Made so by constantly viewing the world as its enemy and not caring about the consequences--
_______ When the Iraq fiasco plays itself out in recognized defeat and if such a mega-defeat brings down the American economy and the American way of life topples due to a lack of cheap energy will Americans fight to find real solutions for the mega strenuous difficulties such a monstrous failure will deliver-- Will we face ourselves squarely and demand the American spirit rise to the occasion or will we simply sweep the unpleasant facts under the carpet opting for the manufactured oblivion of the latest entertainment fashion-- Whether Americans realize it yet or not the same issues confronting Israel will soon confront us-- Will the generation sired by the GREATEST GENERATION answer the call???-- We shall see!!!-- And fairly soon!!!!--


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