Charles Krauthammer ardent cheerleader for the neocon dream turned nightmare in the Middle East has publicly penned some phyrric disappointment with the failure of the Israeli Defense Forces to quickly eliminate the Hezbollah miltia forces-- Israeli inability to live up to the neocon/pnac fantasy endangers the confidence America has so deferentially placed on its special friend--
So Israel the childish ally bloated with state of the art military largesse and billions in financial aid for ostensibly strategic reasons by America during the cold war owes America a decisive Hezbollah defeat-- OWES??-- Israel must, at least, according to Krauthammer's hegemonic visions avoid a 'ruinous military failure in Lebanon' because failure would demonstrate an inability to make a contribution to Bush's War on Terror-- Sorry, Charles, America as you passionately aver not only 'wants but needs a decisive defeat' of Hezbollah but that is simply no longer in the cards as an Israeli option-- If it were to ultimately occur it would be an arduously gruesome slog including much higher casualties and no pre-ordained success-- Israeli officials allowed last week, perhaps cynically or dis-informationally, a dis-armed Hezbollah is no longer prerequisite to a cease fire-- Bush has stated this week he does not want an escalation of violence-- Who knows whether anyone in theatre is listening--
But what started as a nostalgic re-run of its historic Six Day War and all its attendant hubris has morphed into an unimagined military struggle not yet completely ruinous but quite clearly a failure to reach its initially stated military objective of a complete eradication of Hezbollah from South Lebanon-- Gone now is the air of IDF invincibility even while their explosive air assault capabilities ravage the civilian infrastructure of Lebanon dimmed only by their barbarously political ineffectuality-- Impressing who??-- Israel claims it never targets civilians but its highly precision-guided ordinance has murdered nearly 700 Lebanese civilians while the helter skelter randomly aimed and fired Hezbollah missiles have killed fewer than 100 Israeli citizens-- Obviously one of these terrorist groups has unleashed more effective terror than the other-- While the U.S. President idly allowed the Israeli a green light to effect the extermination of Hezbollah the failure of the IDF has frayed the nerves of the neo-con literati like Krauthammer holed up in their mahogany foxholed think-tanks--
The Maronite Christians the Druze the moderate Sunni Lebanese and other disparate groups in Lebanon have virtually united with the Hezbollah cause denouncing both America and its client state Israel(or is it the other way around?)-- Shock and Awe has failed once more--The Arab World itself has joined in the denunciation much to the support of the so-called 'Arab Street'-- Condi Rice the Secretary Of State of The United States of America was told by the Prime Minister of Lebanon (The country who was supposed to ultimately be the great beneficiary of this deranged adventure) to go home-- She is unwelcome anywhere in the Arab world-- How can anyone at the State Department spin this diplomatic implosion as a positive development?-- Hezbollah's fierce resistence on the ground coupled with the IAF's brutal destruction of civilian infrastucture has stiffened the spines of those who were supposed cave-in and what?... 'Welcome the IDF as their liberators"??-- Where have we heard that bullroar before??-- Israel may have perpetrated for all intent and purpose exactly what the Middle East so desperately needed-- Another freshly failed State endangering the moderate once pro-western regimes and perhaps tragically and ultimately their own-- What a way to make peace and friends hey??--
That Olmert's stated and attempted battle plan so paralled Shock-n-Awe in its delusional strategy and short-sighted tactics is troublingly surprising-- The Bushboys gave the obvious A-Okay! oblivious to where their battle plan (or Lack of one) actually delivered its own payload-- Quagmire!!-- Sectarian War!!-- Civil War!!-- Chaos no Kings' horses nor King's men can begin to grapple with-- The ideologues esconced impenetrably in the mohagany foxholes inside Neocon Think-Tank Central sit innoculated from just the facts, maam, but the powerdream is so addictingly intoxicating setback much less acute failure is not even remotely possible even when its slapping them in the face-- The map is never the terrain and if something in the war terrain goes wrong it is never the fault of the cartographers-- The map is always brilliant and must be clung to with insane desperation lest the PNACers admit culpability for the unimaginable disaster in the Middle East that could possibly culminate in American exodus-- In Israel the cartographers of this brilliant faux pas are pointing Blame's finger and scapegoating posturing and bickering with all the accusatory excuses deployed by the one most often deemed the game's loser-- Depending on point of view Israel seems to have effected regime change on the wrong regime-- Its own!!!-- Nevermind the Army was Sharon's The Intelligence was certainly not Olmert's and neither was the IAF's bombing plan but hey... Hollywood's Bibi Netanyahou is tan, he's rested, he's ready and he's waiting in the wings--
Krauthammer's criticism piles on the 'tremulous Olmert' but is on the mark, cogent, perhaps too brilliantly understated but completely oblivious as it pertains equally and applicably to the Deluded Rumsfeld, the Bunkered Cheney, the Ice-Maven Rice and the Decider Bush--Let's don't forget the grandiosity that knows no bounds Field Marshall Wolfewitz the super-competent World Banker who would now rid the World/Planet of poverty perhaps with as much misguided elan as he did attempting to rid the planet of Iraq-- Cheney an ardent believer in the invincibility of the IDF has spouted his faith publicly on many occasions must be like Krauhammer disappointed in Israel's less than decisive annihilation of the resilient and underestimated Hezbollah going so far as to blame Ned Lamont for the IDF failure -- Krautman implies that an always unprovoked Israeli blitzkrieg victory over Hezbollah would have rescued the tarnished Iraq situation from the blot of failure painted most recently by the belated recognition of Top Brass as imminent civil war while oblivious to their testifying line troops and non-coms for whom the imminent civil war has raged most evidently for over a year but what care the ideologues for those pesky little facts-- The Israelis have proudly stated for years 'Just give us the tools and we will complete the job'-- The tools they were given and after selling some of the high-tech to the Chinese Government violating American trust again failed to complete the job-- Cease Fire has been accepted with unspoken conditionality as per usual-- 'Israel has disappointed' Krauthammer tiredly writes as if he suddenly realizes he's embarassed by the fact he bet on a touted horse running a race on the downside of history-- Is Krauthammer devoted Israeli sycophant forever it seems now throwing in the towel on Israel as he clings to his delusory PNAC??--
Stay tuned--
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