Wednesday, August 16, 2006


The two kidnapped Israeli soldiers in whose name the unrepentent destruction of Lebanon was perpetrated in the end were so unimportant to the Israeli Government they weren't even as much as a sidebar in the cease-fire resolution-- The aerial blitzkrieg Israel inflicted on Lebanese civilian infrastructure was to be a trial run of the same tactics Bush wants to employ in Iran according to journalist Seymour Hersh's New Yorker article 'Watching Lebanon'-- Bush apparently urged Olmert to attack Syria outright which met with Olmert's surprising refusal-- In earlier blog posts the disproportionate mega devastation of civilian areas of Lebanon was seen as a provocation to entice Syria into the war enabling Bush and the neocon criminals to declare overt war on Iran all predicated on the now vanished invincibility of the IDF-- As speculation it fell not too far off the mark but Syria opted not to take the bait and Israeli ground forces performed so dismally against the underrated Hezbollah the neocon delusion met with serious disapppointment-- Bush and Cheney will glean no lessons from the poorly planned poorly executed defeat and will proclaim victory-- Syria and Iran what?.....humiliated?...hah!!--
The most exceedingly foolish element in the war plan contained an embarrassingly ridiculous assumption devoid of any common sense-- That those civilians being bombed would channel their anger away from the bombers toward those risking their lives to defend those same civilians-- How far removed from reality must one be to believe such unadulterated horseroar??-- How does a command echelon approve such an wildly implausible assumption when the same unchallenged assumption met with such overtly visible failure in Iraq??-- Iraqis never did greet the U.S. occupation as its liberation but apparently word has yet to breach Cheney's bunker nor Rummy's lectern-- Rumors of extant civil war fail to penetrate the Bush cocoon--
Israel needs to radically reassess its response paradigm-- Brutality...not working!!-- Bombs away...not working!!-- Assassination(discriminate and indiscriminate)...not working!!-- Bulldozing the homes of rock throwers....not working!!-- Refugee (concentration) camps....not working!!-- Israeli racism.....not working!!--Face the music!!--Employ intelligence!!!--Horror of all horrors:Listen to your neighbors!!--The fourth most powerful (the criteria of such rankings are in need of a major reexamination or redefinition) military in the world has failed to supply basic security for the Israeli people and they are now totally aware of it-- Nearly sixty years of existence and Israeli actions (the F-16 as an arbiter of peace?....hardly)in their own neighborhood produce such persistent hatred-- They are reaping what they have sown-- Losing the battle of demographics is another front of considerable concern-- Economic issues reverberate through the demonstrable angst of defeat and fear and depression now beginning to percolate in civilian attitudes-- The future will not be arbitrated by a discussion between Israeli doves and hawks-- Israel is no longer a safe place to be an Israeli-- In fact it may be the least safe place of all-- Israel....a failed state???-- The discussion must entail speaking to your enemies-- Difficult??-- Impossible??--The choice is yours-- Wake Up!!!!!!!!


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