Mr. Bush expresses disappointment in France who after playing a pivotal role in bringing about the Cease-Fire resolution now refuses to commit massive troop deployments into Southern Lebanon-- The recent war could re-erupt at any time especially if Israel wracked by the angst of defeat and internal dissension visible everywhere acquieses to its own desperation and attacks Syria conjoined by a U.S. attack in Iran-- The neocon dream for a new middle east in pristine ideological form continues to preoccupy the frustrated White House (unwilling and perhaps incapable of admitting defeat) and the only way to birth such a powerfully pristine vision is to first destroy the old Middle East-- Frustration coupled with Desperation in an extremely insular entity can create a seriously dangerous cultlike even psychotic mindset-- What happens to America and its people as a result of the wanton destruction needed to enact such a pipedream is of little consequence to those attempting to inaugurate this neocon Rapture of the Endtimes Prophecy-- Isn't the prophecy itself predicated on the actual defeat(or is it complete destruction) of a Jewish Army??-- Why in God's name has Israel allied (The Israel of truly independent action seems to be a charade) itself to the neocon evangelicals???-- Has drinking the neocon kool-aid given them a self-fulfilling Revelation?--
In the meantime horrific speculation aside but not totally off the table with this neocon crew Hezbollah at least temporarily reaps the victor's spoils having effectively introduced an asymmetrical warfare template available for implementation by any irregular group with access to such anti-tank and rocket based weaponry, intense military discipline coupled with sophisticated guerilla ambush tactics and of course their most underrated characteristic-- a freely expressed and a very devoutly intent faith-- Time and time again these fighters praise Allah-- God willing and so on they go about their task infused by the idea they are actually doing God's work and they pray God will be on their side-- Hezbollah courage derived from such faith met with clear cut respect from interviewed IDF ground forces-- Not much of this bold God-driven faith seems to enter into the expressed motivation of any large group of soldiers Israeli or American-- Israeli leaders express the belief that God gave them their homeland but there weren't many expressions if any across the varied internet sites of Israeli soldiers intoning their invasion of Lebanon as God's work-- Biblical retribution on target and ahead of schedule didn't elicit much confidence-- Many expressed serious dissatifaction with being called up, with the quality of their training and equipment and with the clear ineptitude of officers in the field-- An American General Boykin widely to his discredit sermonized that his God was bigger than their God but that was back in the heady days of Mission Accomplished dream still intact-- Dismissing the power of Faith is to risk extreme peril!!!!--
If wider contagion of war remits another defeat and possible exodus from the Middle East America can always blame the French--'You want fries with that?????'--
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