Lost amongst the royal hubbub of England's many thousand Bomb Plot Foiled headlines and the many hundred analyses performing the autopsy on Israel's embarrassing military, political and yes social defeat at the hands of Lebanon's Hezbollah is the request of the U.S. Congress by the President of the United States of America George Bush for a retroactive shield immunizing Mr. Bush of possible war crimes for his many actions/decisions already performed/committed-- Is Mister Bush attempting to make congress a potential accessory to his crimes??-- As spineless as congress has been lately it seems likely a non-starter at least leading up to the mid-terms-- Who in congress has chutzpah enough to stand before the body and introduce such a corrupt request??-- Certainly not Senator Lieberman having cast off the loserman label by switching party affiliations a move which for now at least entertains him with front-runner status as a new RLC of one-- Is Bill Clinton still supporting him??--
But back to Mister Bush fresh from declaring defeated Israel the victor (tough sell even in The Lobby dominated American media) one must refrain from assuming the once and still hellbent Neocon benefactor denied his conduit (an Israeli attack on Syria) to war in Iran will give up the ideological dream easily and seek to rebuild the American railroad system in hopes of beginning to re-erect the sinking economy and infuse our people with a sense of American purpose-- None of Mr. Bush's adventures in the Middle East have succeeded-- Positive spin like bandaids can't conceal the nightmare forever-- You can't fool most of the people most of the time unless most of the people want you to but it does seem the midterms can't arrive fast enough even though the Republicans fear disaster while the Democrats fear having to actually lead-- Neither party with an engaging platform both symbolized by the self-serving power-grubbing Joe Lieberman mealy posterboy of all things wrong with the corrupt state of present politics-- When the mid-terms finally come and go possibly amidst oil @ $100/barrel, a dynamically deflating housing bubble, serious mega-unemployment in the rubble of a crushed manufacturing sector, the sustained dire threat to our soldiers in Iraq and the ever present possibility of terrorist scenarios both real and imagined there remains the blue elephant in the room no one wants to defend and no one wants to attack-- The most egregiously failed presidency in our country's history--
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