Israel became the first violator of the fledgling cease-fire in Lebanon-- Like that's a surprise-- Political bookies weren't giving odds anyway-- Commando operation deep into Lebanon ended with one dead Israeli officer and two wounded-- The commandos were wearing Lebanese army uniforms and were quickly forced to retreat-- Prime Minister Olmert and his defense minister Peretz both approved the operation declaring it a defensive action-- Three moderate Arab countries Egypt Jordan and Saudi Arabia called for a restart to the peace process and were quickly rebuffed by Israeli officials-- Obviously Israel has no regard for peace-- War has been its inceptional raison detre-- The one-eyed warrior Moshe Dayan called war Israel's 'life drug'-- A life of drugs for the unitiated of the neocon think tank cabal usually leads to a short life but it can in moments be intoxicatingly intense and in this case crusadingly so while it lasts but.....when the pipester demands his payment usually it is not pretty-- Israel repeatedly violates its own signatoried agreements-- Repeatedly blows off U.N. resolutions while demanding all other mandated resolutions be enforced-- Masters of the 24 hour commitments-- Israeli self interest and vengeance uber alles-- No accountability accepted-- Israel's rabid right cult revels in the embrace of defeat bestowed by Mr. Bush and his poodle Mr. Blair-- Israeli extremism lends Mr. Bush-n-Blair the hollow air of someone else's toughness-- Stabbing State-sec Condi Rice in the back after promising her a 48 hour cessation in the bombing of civilian areas in Lebanon merits not Olmert nor Halutz a single derserved public rebuke from this chickenhawk duo--(Yo, Bush, not man enough to defend Condi's usurped honor??-- That ain't very Texican)--Israel brooks no criticism from afar and as her sad ship of state surges toward self destruction she invites us along for the ride-- The law of unintended consequences the ideologically blind traitorous neocon cabal never stopped to consider--
______There for the whole Middle East to watch wide-eyed The United States publicly abandoned all pretense of being a moderator to peace or an arbiter of conflict in the region-- Falsely confident in the Israeli Air Force the United States of America compromised itself being publicly coerced by the blatant inefficacy of that IAF into condoning its misguidedly ruthless strategy by supplying her with up-to-date state of the art guided bombs and missiles-- All the while all the eyes of the Middle East (As well as the geo-politically very important Pakistan just to mention another) watched disbelieving as America betrayed the weak but Democratic Lebanonese government and clearly collaborated in the wanton destruction of its civilians and their infrastructure-- This is complicity in its most blatantly public admission--a clear stipulation to the facts-- Those once friendly to the U.S. in the Middle East( the ones Bush rarely if ever speaks to) will be considerably less so from now on-- The fledgeling democracy of Lebanon (once a stated goal of the neocon dream) and its stronger and more courageous than advertised President Siniora (would Joe Lieberman had also been so but......) suffice it to sadly say may just be one more friendly-fire casualty of Israel's punitive and criminal collateral damage-- Hezbollah and Iran both have missiles capable of inflicting serious destruction on the oil infrastructure and the oil field reserves of Saudi Arabia not to mention Iran's proximity to the Straits of Hormuz-- What will happen to America and its economic life should Saudi oil supplies be seriously disrupted and did such potential consequences so much as bleep across Israel's 'life drug' radar-- Yo, Ehud, would it have mattered??-- Will you like Golda Meir be willing to irradiate every Arab capital in the Middle East to avoid battlefield defeat??-- Or to exonerate culpability for this one incurred in puny South Lebanon??--
______What will the next fix of Israel's 'life-drug' entail in collateral damage??-- The outright collapse of Mubarak's Egypt along with Abdullah's Jordan???-- Would the Shiites in southern Iraq make truce with the Sunni to focus pronto on driving the American troops out of Iraq or interdicting American re-supply routes out of Kuwait-- Toadie Blair and Bush resonate pathetic, weak and insufficiently capable of reining in Israel's rogue and desperado generals-- Ehud Olmert according to Seymour Hersh was strong enough to decline Bush's overture to empower Israel to overtly attack Syria but he appears not strong enough to prevent his own militia from enacting the next self-induced crisis-- While Bush struts the spoiled ineffectual prepster two-step with Blair his opposition party appears as a possible option for the U.S. electorate only by default-- Hillary told us Israeli sons were all now our sons but she failed to attend any of their funerals-- Nor did she express public condolences to the mothers of the murdered dead in Lebanon-- A substantial number of Lebanese Americans living in the United States may wish to know why Hillary didn't include their sons while she pandered for campaign funds-- We want Middle East oil without having contact with or knowledge of its people-- So much for the Democratic front runner's nuance of the Middle East-- She calls for Rumsfeld's resignation-- Now?-- Finally?-- Only when it can help her politically!!-- America is headed for major disaster in the Middle East and at home and soon and the political echelon in D.C. is too powerless to do anything about it nor like Bush does it seem too interested-- The idiotic punditocracy has a new version of an old oft-used distraction just off the shelf--The ChildKiller Confession coming too soon to our nattering tabloid television news round the clock-- An American mirage!!!--
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