Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Gasoline prices at the pump falling like dominoes point to the coming midterm elections or so nearly half the country believes-- End of the driving season???-- Not so sure the demand has backed off as fast or as much as prices have fallen %wise-- Tourists are now home but they are still driving their kids to and from school daily--Vacation gas money not being burned on holidays lounging on the beach, in the casino/theme parks or on the mountain forest trail is being burned back home on the everyevery day commute-- The war in Iraq still burns 400,000 barrels of oil per day-- Neocon saber rattling against Iran has moderated the fear factor inciting frenzy among the speculative-mad oil traders for the time being of course-- Money is not getting more expensive to borrow as Fed Chief Bernanke the ardent inflation hawk backed off raising interest rates again in the face of acknowleged (most recently by vaunted inflation fighter Paul Volker) inflation threats hiding in the reams of data economists wade through on daily bases-- Obviously it would be unwise for the new-man-on-the-job Fed chairman to deliver an economic recession to the incumbent administration attempting to save or re-elect its congressional majority less than a full blooded cynic would surmise but time will tell if the right thing instead of the most expedient has been done after all Bush does hold a chit not a chad (neither hanging) for the knock of opportunity he festooned on Mr. Bernanke--
Meanwhile hemorrhagic housing numbers continue to doomsay deadening fear and loathing as well as denial and defeat and dislocation and skyward jumps in health insurance premiums risen 7.7% twice the official rate of inflation a killing blow to many an American dream and any number highly touted as showing consumer confidence on the upswing becomes immediately suspect-- More and more ARM's near their reset due dates with many of those burdened unaware how much their monthly payments will rise-- More and more see a darkness at the edge of town.....some at the edge of the yard......some knock knock knocking at their door--
Last week 75% of the American people were reported everywhere to have agreed that the present US Congress should NOT be re-elected-- Gerrymandering districts into boundaries extremely favorable to re-election for nearly all incumbents regardless of party affiliation will more than likely assure that 75% of the American people will feel some negative emotion when the tally reveals not much has really changed-- Obviously only a nut would call this a conspiracy afterall most conspiracies require silent complicity so if one is not mistaken this corruption takes place in the open and it is accomplished with arrogant impunity-- The system is obviously rigged to support the bought incumbent status quo-- Hold this truth to be self-evident--


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