Thursday, September 14, 2006


Even if tactical decisions should not be made by the White House, shouldn't President Bush have at least a modicum of working knowledge about the tactics being employed to effect his Grand Strategery--the what, the why, the whether or not even if the tactics are chosen by General Casey-- As the negative facts of insurgent mayhem and butchery on the ground in Iraq (as well as Afghanistan) have continued to multiply upward, a corresponding uptick in certitude rises in Bush's own self-estimation-- David Brooks quotes Bush as saying 'I've never been more convinced (italics mine) that the decisions I made are the right decisions'-- So, as more gruesome evidence of a situation careering into blatant chaos increases daily, Bush to a parallel degree elevates his own self-congratulatory certitude into denial of these facts--The worse it gets the more desperately he clings to the purity of his neocon pipedream--To which Brooks adds admiringly 'The most inner-directed man on the globe' extolling for the moment Mr. Bush's apparent lack of ego--Obviously Mr. Brook's globe does not encompass the entire planet but he gamely offers to buff the de-lustered brass of his leader's neocon ineptitude failing to note his own implication that Bush is clearly out of touch with reality--
Brooks writes that when Bush 'is strategizing goals he is assertiveness on stilts'-- Obviously Mr. Brooks must feel the President is head and shoulders above him when it comes to the visionary aspects of leadership but the analogy of stilted assertiveness appears.......... well, .....stilted-- Brooks champions the gloriously inviolate visionary realm to which Bush has ascended (and where he obviously prefers to reside) but alas we are reminded about the undignified difficulty the neocons have reaped in attempting to reach such a vision seriously deficient in means not to mention seriously deficient in intelligence about who the 'enemy' might actually be-- On second thought let's mention it, should not epic vision have sought to know the difference between the Sunni and the Shia as well as the Kurdish entities early in the planning stage rather than a few days prior to D-day??-- Now the grandiosity of the goal is tarnished and rendered almost assuredly lost but facts are little 'stupid things' as Ronald Reagan once claimed and they should not be allowed to intrude upon the strategery's eminent shine--
Fifty years from now in Mr. Bush's astutely far-sighted view when terror has or has not been defeated and radical Islamists will or will not be in control of middle eastern oil fields the world will thank him and his 'Churchillian' neocon allies who have shared the vision(sounds new-age californian not texan)-- Brooks lambasts the administration for alloting Bush insufficient means of attaining the goal which Bush now states firmly unmasked as control of oil-- Radical Islamists already control some ME oil beyond Iraq and Iran-- Iranian Shiites as well as Hezbolla have missiles capable of hitting Saudi Arabian oil fields and refineries-- Damaged oil field infrastructure for the unitiated is extremely expensive to replace and/or repair and the multi-year wait for the economic payoff makes those capable of financing such operations extremely reticent to commit funds in the face of some potentiality blithely bandied about as generational instability-- Wake up!!!!!--Oh well one neocon denial down an exasperatingly umpteen to go--
Dear Mr. Brooks, if this is truly a generational war and Civilization is truly at stake, why isn't all of our Civilization involved??-- The great bulk of the Neocon Cabal, the architecture of this War of Civilization, never risked service in the military (and insisted upon making political hay by denouncing and smearing some of their opponents who did ) and neither have most of their elitist offspring-- Must only the poor sons and daughters of the red white brown and black America be tasked to answer the patriotic call of your think-tank war--I mean if Civilization is truly at stake??-- Is it truly volunteer service if the Def-Sec Rumsfeld resorts to contractual extra-fine print to commandeer Iraq War Veterans into perennially conscripted service to meet troop requirements??-- Why aren't Neocon youth massively volunteering to fill the shortfall in manpower if Civilization is truly at stake??-- Perhaps high technology (the shock that never awed--) was supposed to make up the defficiency of elitist and upper class boots-on-the-ground support??-- If Civilization is truly at stake doesn't the American middle class deserve a greater role than the Commander in Chief's visionary exhortation to get out there and travel...and go shopping????-- If Civilization is truly at stake and control of the oil supplies is truly endangered shouldn't the profligate oil usage by the SUVed middle and upper-class be condemned and rations mandated downward???-- Up that proverbial creek without proper means of propulsion signals that staying the course perpetually will certainly accomplish the 'Or worse' fear for Civilization with which you end your column, Mr. Brooks and those clearly responsible should be held accountable--


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