Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Our post summer lull a day before the lunar eclipse is imbued with a strange calm before the next storm gathers-- After unceremoniously shutting down the office in charge of pursuing Osama Bin Laden many months ago and treating his threat capability minimally in off the cuff remarks Mr. Bush delivers a pre-election speech frantic with fear and trembling and the sudden resurrection of Osam Bin from the forgotten lower echelons of bit-player status not worthy of a world wide manhunt anymore to a genuine Hitler/Lenin morph capable of extinguishing freedom everywhere with a single bound-- Is this why Bush failed to 'take out' O. Bin at Tora Bora when we had him nearly surrounded in the open and desperately fleeing but couldn't seem to find 200 US Army Rangers to close the trap door on the border( Jawbreaker by Gary Berntsen)-- So Karl the genie Rove would have a quintessential Booger Man to uncloset at election time in order to thrash the weak kneed Harry Reids of the demmie world--
______Anyone penning dissent against the current corrupt political echelon should also be considered as fodder for similar potential morphing in later life and should be on the watchlist as hideous threats to freedom of all things-- Imagine the convoluted logic that might deem one a terrorist for such an anti-deluvian no less anti-American demand even the President should answer for actions ultimately destructive to the country-- Bush's tone resonates with anger at having to relinquish the comfortable fictions that obscured in the administration's mind the failed venture in Iraq-- Pentagon officials openly contradict the neocon disavowal of civil sectarian war frustrating the Bush view that success is right around the corner if we just 'stay the course'-- Those tangentially neocon by outlook if not position as exemplified by the who's who symposium Are We Losing In Iraq?? in the current issue of The National Review are facing up to the rough music of our failure in Iraq and are saying so publicly diminishing support levels even further for a White House now circling its SUV's-- Attempts to stanch the bleeding by refashioning history are met with bewilderment-- Thus the magnitude of the terror threat is re-doubly magnified again in Bush's mind as he attempts to appeal to a body politic in majority opposition to the war but shying away from political contentiousness surrounding the upcoming midterm elections and like the troops in Iraq too exhausted and too frightened to even begin to contemplate the real meaning of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld(The True Dead-Enders) doctrine of incoherent war eternally everywhere-- The less it seems the Bush message resonates (and how can it?) the more strident the tone of his speech becomes and the more shrill his desperation to convince the unconvincable in the electorate-- At moments he seems both genuinely pathetic( almost comical like Baghdad Bob championing victory that never materialized) and at other moments angered and dangerous in his quest for fellow believers among fading political support-- Since the 'little d' democrats wilting in the crossfire fail dismally to offer a believable future of light and liberty with even a modicum of courageous visionary force devoid of even less conviction, chances are extremely low voter turnout will leave the sodden political playing field more or less in a similarly weak and vacuous status quo condition-- They couldn't even organize a no confidence vote on Def-Sec Rumsfeld this week-- Waters of history circling the drain---
______In the Middle East further galling to Bush were reports of tens of thousands of Iraqi Shias cheering the now most popular leader in the entire region mea culpas and all fictional and non Hezbolla's own Nasralla followed in the number two poll position by the Iranian Ahmadinejad who with Bush and the Rumsfeld Army gullivered to the ground in Iraq continues to freely play The President like a political banjo-- Both share a propensity for fanatical rants but one calculates how his outrageousness periodically leads to his coffers being freshly filled by oil revenue and the other laments his increasingly weakened position world wide and while forgetting his aim redoubles his efforts with more stridently angry and distorted verbiage-- Categorically refusing to consider any other options but military force even in the face of its inefficacy in Iraq and most recently Lebanon(granted many if not all are by now considerably less than optimum--return to a fresh slate is impermissable at this stage of the game) Mr Bush offers an uncanny leap of logic-- That retreat in Iraq would empower Osam Bin further and would be the cause of the American economy's collapse-- Nevermind as we currently 'stay the course' that the economy as it is, is stated nearly in freefall due not to O. Bin but to radically profligate and corrupt overspending on an under-planned, under-armored, and under-manned war rife with corrupt contracts to political crony/donors failing miserably to reconstruct the unshocked and unawed Iraq and the fiscally stupid tax cuts for the mega rich crippling the government's ability to fend off generationally impoverishing debtloads our grandchildren will be hard pressed when billed to alleviate--
________ The world is telling the American people who from oblivion of IDOL worship refuse to pay any attention that Bush and Neocon hegemony will not prevail-- Handwriting is on world wide walls-- Ahmadinejad has the conventional wherewithal to disrupt the globalist economy in a devastating manner if attacked-- Bush's politically hardline ineptitude yields decidedly negative results-- Polls show popular support for America in the moderate Arab world at 5%-- 5%!!!!!-- Aren't these people part of the world market we someday hoped would purchase our products???-- The Neocon agenda has derailled Bush, The US State Dept. and the US Dept. of Defense and worn out our welcome nearly everywhere in the world-- Even Israeli angst editorially yammers almost daily 'out with the neocons'-- Chinks in the armor Bush's denial can no longer mask point out the mounting pressure of these abject setbacks and one must ponder their increase to a point Bush in an extreme fit of petulance and against most military advice might unilaterally order the US Air Force to bomb Iran not with geo-political consequences in mind but out of angry suicidal spite-- The difficulty of writing the last sentence should not be unseriously minimized as it certainly isn't veined by the almost silly red/blue histrionics of current electoral partisanship but dirty jobs require someone to bring such a potential eventuality to the table -- Think about it!!!!!!--
_______Summer of the wars is gone-- The kids go back to school-- Football season defines the approach of Autumn-- World tension grows ever more taut even in the calm--


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