Friday, September 22, 2006


Imagine--The World Series bunting-- October chill-- The Star Spangled Banner more often rousingly mangled than sang but nonetheless cheered--The hot-dogs and beer, the player introductions and the nervous anticipation before the opening pitch of Our Great National Pastime except one team refuses to come out of the dugout-- Refuses to deliver the line-up cards to the umpires-- Refuses to step into the square white batter's box-- Refuses to take the field believing it can win without sending a pitcher to the mound-- It allows the opposition to pitch to itself-- No need for an offense the opposition is so error prone they can't possibly be re-elected--The little 'd's of the democratic party appeared this week to abandon the playing field altogether-- Obviously this week wasn't a good time to make a vigorous stand supporting anti-torture in the Geneva Convention when the little 'm' maverick Senator(r) McCain reminded everyone again of his former POW status and how much he supports the troops by raising a pincipled ruckus against Mr Bush's attempt to legislate a back door retroactive exoneration of potential war-crime violations of the Geneva Conventions he (Bush)himself may have already committed by redefining and backdating the language existent in those articles-- Before capitulating to the big R Republicans in a big dog and pony charade three rebel Senators big R and former Sec State Colin Powell commandeered the entire political playing field while the little demmies sat in the dugout abdicatingly drunk on their strategic poll-laden hubris witlessly admiring the field forward trojan-horse touching all the bases-- Who needs the gutless wonders of this weak anti-party when, as the entire blathersphere tuned into the charade, the Prez shoots down his own party's phony rebellion allowing the dust-up to quickly settle before each Senator along with Bush then congratulate each other in the rosy glow victory-- No wonder Bush's poll numbers took a jump-- The cowards sit listless in the dugout while the real losers are future American soldiers being held as POW's but then again why should the little d's care after all those in the military volunteered for it-- Soccer, anyone!!!!!


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