All out damage control invigorates the political war room of the Republicans' re-election effort as the little 'd' demi-crats seize a report from the National Intelligence Estimate basically claiming Islamic terrorism has actually expanded not diminished as a result of the Bush/Neocon incursion into Iraq-- Since the demies did not aggressively challenge either the initiation nor the continuation of the Iraq war--staying the course as it were-- it does seem oddly moronic to hear them railing at their witless Republican counterparts for the failure this miscalculated bipartisan misadventure in Iraq has engendered in terms of enhanced national security-- Rep. Emanuel of Illinois once one of the master media dissemblers in the Clintonista administration says its time our country went in a different direction which not disputing the obvious is politically strategically and tactically on the money however Emanuel master of addressing problems as if that suffices to a solution offers no such different direction-- Leadership, Mr. Emanuel, points to that direction-- Leadership says to America we can't stay here, our position here is untenable so we must to go there and we will take you there-- No such vision emanates from the demies-- Most exhibited a dearth of good reasons to oppose the Iraq Occupation at the onset and have spent for the most part the entire war finessing their political stances with an eye toward the perks of political survival (fund-raising) and not toward the action of true leadership-- For just one of many detrimental outcomes to this go-along-to-get-along behavior, this failure to lead has helped stress the American Army to the brink of physical, moral and soon to be financial exhaustion in Iraq-- Retired military officers continue to sharply critique the conduct of the war and demand Rumsfeld's replacement while the demi-crats couldn't even organisize an in-house anti-Rumsfeld resolution earlier this month and were for all intents and purposes totally AWOL during last week's Geneva Convention Rebellion that became a media win-win for the Repo-men-- What an opportunity for the demies to differentiate themselves on an important moral issue the repercussions of which might effect every future American soldier and indirectly their immediate families and the demies didn't even send a pitcher out to the mound-- The complete absence from the political scene last week conveyed to the public that the Repo-congress and the President didn't require any help since none was offered on the part of the demies-- Absent and ineffectual is no way to score electoral points-- The National Intelligence Estimate depicts worldwide Islamic terrorism on the rise inflamed as a direct result of the Iraq occupation--An assessment that for certain will be denied by the Bushcons as the demies cringe once more from the cut and runner slur-- They are not softies on terror they will whine without much fight-- Meanwhile the stupid word from D.C.'s hallowed hollow statesmen mantras on--'Stay the course' coming from those in power while those on the comfortable outside retort 'It's their fault'-- National Intelligence...... no wonder the last word in the title is Estimate--
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