Friday, October 06, 2006


Senator John Warner one of the three rebellious Republican lawmakers who cavorted into the realm of principle lately only to capitulate to the White House in it's bid to redefine torture and retroactively grant the president immunity for potential war crimes he may have already committed and rewrite Habeus Corpus out of the Constitution must have been so embarassed by his calumnious cave-in that he sought strange but temporary refuge in a committee junket to Iraq-- He returned clearly dispirited and confused by what he saw on his trip to the GreenZone and offered a bleak assessment of current conditions most critical of the Iraqi government's continuing inability to contain or diminish an ever increasing mayhem and offer real security to Baghdad-- What was he expecting to see..... Progress ?!!-- Oil production is up (not to pre-war levels yet but improving) 'but so many communities are without drinking water or sanitation' failing to mention the lack of electricity nearly everywhere-- Basically Senator Warner offers more stay the course (at least through the midterms and of course Christmas season) but knowing full well that for all the progress touted by the Baghdad Bob spinmeisters of the Bush War Cabinet less and less of Iraq is safe enough even to entertain the armored-up travels of a US Senator on a robust and redemptive fact finding tour-- Hoping things will improve in the months ahead 'or else', as the Senator threatens from the security of a DC media conclave, is not a real glorious plan-- Or else what?!!-- Wake up!!!--

A government incapable of providing basic services like electricity and water is an illegitimate government no matter how many votes, assurances or promises they make or receive-- Freedom becomes a dismal abstraction if it means no water, no electicity and raw sewage on open streets once middle class--The entire government group is housed and protected inside the luxurious(by comparison) U.S. Green Zone Fortress and has little if any contact with those we would label constituents-- The only time the government ventures out of the Zone is to leave the country-- They would not last fifteen minutes in downtown Baghdad and wouldn't deserve to-- They have failed completely-- That they will miraculously stiffen their spines and immerge victorious over an insurgency already deeply embedded in the government not even in charge of itself is simply a mirage-- Under these exceedingly dangerous circumstances here comes a jumbo blustering no-nonsense United States' Senator promising unspecified 'Bold Action' (more bombs?) if things don't change within 2 or 3 months-- If the fatally flawed Mr. Malicki (rumored to have refused tutorials from Hezbollah) can't assert his leadership Warner boldly warns "we will have to assert ours"--

Which means what, Senator??--We have not been able to stop the insurgency either, using state of the art weaponry, state of the art technology and state of the art training of a new Iraqi Army in a determined bid to assert ourselves with a shock that certainly failed to awe--Our soldiers have been given an impossible task by gutless professional politicians too loathe to admit their mistake-- American troops according to the Pentagon Assessment both Rumsfeld and Cheney attempted to suppress from public consumption are sustaining nearly 800 attacks per week.... on average that's one every fifteen minutes-- The report went on to predict worse conditions in 2007-- Warner whines that troop withdrawal would look to the world(always the image important beyond the fact) like the terrorists have won-- Well, haven't they??-- This question can be abjured by the sanctimonious posturing of callow party members challenged by midterm elections but those not in the crosshairs of corrupt electioneering can run but they shouldn't be allowed to hide-- How many more of our underprivileged volunteer soldiers would the good Senator, a Gentleman from Virginia, along with his blindered ilk, feed through this wheelhouse of slaughter in order to keep up illusionist world appearances??-- Denial of defeat is the coin of the realm these days and Senator Warner has become one of its more artful practitioners despite being slapped in the face by it --
Where are the Democrats???-- Aside from Sen. Warner's bi-partisan travelling companion Illinois Senator Durbin's essential corroboration of Warner's dire assessment differing only by calling for immediate re-deployment(belittling the difference?--not!!) of American troops most other demies reveled the morning away as the jumbo-cluster of media overkill (doing penance for their cowardly lack of war coverage) surrounding the deFoleyation of the Repo-party trained their sights on the sharks of defeat circling Coach Hastert-- What rich and uncanny irony..... the gay friendly party through their allies in the media impaling the leader of the non- gay friendly party for covering up an overly gay-friendly congressman-- The Repo's reap what they have sown in the Lewinski affair which was payback for the 11th hour sex smear of Clarence Thomas the Demi's had engineered for who knows what absurd slight of yore--

Like a dysfunctional fraternity house devoid of both the ethics and the sobriety they espouse DC may well share the fate of Rome sooner than anticipated-- Would Senator Warner offer DC as a redemptive role model for Malicki and his misbegotten Iraq?-- As the feeding frenzy of the sordid pageboy tale envelopes DC and further sours whatever remaining faith the American people once had in their leadership, one troublesome factoid emerging from this week's effluence stands starkly out-- Congress budgeted $20 million dollars for a gala Iraq War victory parade to be held if Mission Accomplished occurred in 2oo6 at the same time cutting funds for and benefits at Veterans Hospitals-- The parade money has been re-budgeted for dreamtime 2007-- Fat chance!!-- The Empire has no clothes--


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