Injuries to U.S. troops in Iraq soaring and more often than not in previous wars sons and daughters of The South have borne more than a proportionate share of those casualties-- Words like Honor and Duty seem to have always resonated a little more deeply in the South-- If The South is losing faith in the war, the reasons for it certainly cannot be laid at the feet of its soldiers and the sacrifices they are making daily-- Soldiers who, as nearly everyone across the entire country now knows, have been asked by gutless incompetent politicos to accomplish a dauntingly difficult if not impossible task without the necessary means to effect that achievement-- Although Hollywood loves to portray The South as redneck and stupid, men and women of The South are quite like most everyone else, at least in one respect. At a minimum they do not particularly relish being lied to and they have a right and a duty to refrain supporting those calculated lies and the casualties they continue to induce especially when their sons and daughters are the ones most affected and when 'plain-as-day-as-anyone-can-see' arrives in an atmosphere of economic stress they have a right and a duty to be angry-- The South too knows by its own history the difficulties and dangers of invasion, occupation and defeat and what pressure that puts on all participants and are perhaps because of that history more cognizant of the signposts of surfacing defeat--The South too isn't oblivious to Congress cutting funds to Veterans Hospitals and Veterans' Benefits while setting aside $20million bucks for a victory gala that, sorry, ain't arriving anytime soon-- Even dogs are allowed to bite the hand that feeds them poison--
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