President Bush fresh from his midterm electoral defeat stakes out the stubborn 'victory' turf and now defies the demies to offer him fresh ideas on the Iraq Front-- He is listening he says but not talking--Talking to Iran or Syria may be a plank in Daddy Baker's group study but his Israeli handler Ehud Olmert another failed war leader with home polls below 30% met Bush in DC this week most assuredly discussing their mutual interests including a political survival that necessitates no talks with Iran-- The only 'victory' solution contemplated on this front is world isolation-- These two endangered politicians fit the profile of outgoing DEF SEC Rumsfeld's 'dead-enders'-- Olmert most probably assured Bush that the AIPAC Lobby would prevent the demies from too loudly exercising demands about seeking help from either Iran or Syria or both to quell the insurgent chaos in Iraq-- Olmert claimed the Iraq War had actually stabilized the Middle East-- Is this the blind leading the blind or what??-- The audacity of bastardized hope??-- Israeli allies in the American media have lauded the demie advance in the midterm election and painted it as a victory designed and executed by dual citizen Illinois rep. and DLC theoritician/operator pro-war Rahm Emanuel despite mounds of factual evidence to the contrary-- Mister Emanuel's candidates including the pro-war amputee Tammy Duckworth lost at considerable monetary cost to the party-- Howard Dean the demie's National Party Chairman, whose party failed to support his early voice against the neo-con stupidity backing the buffoonish John Kerry (Whoops, John F. Kerry) instead, deserves the lion's share of the credit--His 50-State strategy won the House and The Senate but did so only by aiding candidates who among many other issues besides prominently strong anti-war positions advocated such inalienably expressed pro Gun-Rights as well as Pro-Life issues much to the chagrine of the 'anti-redneck anti-religionist' DLCers-- Hillary Clinton the frontrunner for the demies in 2008 had the ignominious award for spending the most money in her lightly contested race and along with fellow DLCers continues to bash Dean--The DLCers would not have put time or money into John Tester's Montana campaign and were openly opposed to anti-war James Webb in the democratic primary--The demies have a battle for their soul brewing and whether or not they are up to the task will be determined after the victory hubris has worn off-- Rove's strategy for the final two years of the Lame Duck sit-com is obviously divide-and-conquer where he can and where he can't, stonewall by veto-- Time is not on his side and neither are events both of which offer little if any sustenance for the demies either but since their non-defeat takes precedence they have reaped first serve-- Will they or can they hold it and for how long??-- Can they all gravitate to the same page??-- World events are proceeding at a pace not designed to reward internecine sloth or deleterious foot dragging--
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