Prime Minister Tony Blair unguardedly agreed that Iraq was unquestionably a 'disaster'-- And all the fault lies not at the feet of the febrile neocon fantasy that initiated the decapitation and destruction of an entire country and then facilitated its murderous descent into an engulfing internecine ethnic and sectarian hatred-- No, not Mister Blair's fault nor Mister Bush's who still refuses to acknowledge the debacle-- Blair drops the heavy finger of blame on the Iraqi people who themselves had the unmitigated audacity to allow their own access to the inviolate necessities of 'civilization' like running water and electricity to be violently and semi-permanently curtailed and who are now so depraved (a recent description of the Iraqi people coined by neocon savant Richard Perle who now claims in an unwittingly perverse parody of neoconlite John F. Kerry he, Perle, was also for the invasion before he was against it) and savagely averse to being pawns to an occupation not of their choosing, they will never be capable of deserving the honor of liberation in the humane and noble attempt by the guardians of the Royal British Empire-- Pleasssssssssssse, ........Mr. Blair, take your medicine--
In fact many Neocon architects of this tragedy are now confessing their own mea culpas by repudiating not their own flawed and delusional constructs but the ineptitude and attention deficit disorder of President Bush and his dysfunctional administration-- Some go further and like Blair blame the Iraqi people as if their fierce resistance to imperial occupation were some kind of uncivilized character flaw-- Blair though giving a spectacularly hysterical anti-terrorist rant in midweek was clearly unnerved by the repudiation of the war in the US midterm elections and all the neocon rats deserting their now blithely deluded leader's ship-- Now of course his immediate concern is how to undo the damage as his candid remark reverberates through the largely fictional coalition of the willing-- Democratic leaders on the other hand particularly those in the DLC seem to have in mind an awkward alliance with John McCain's call for more troops attempting to mollify and temper the anti-war rage surfacing through the election returns hoping to lower expectations of any immediate pullback of our overburdened troops-- Forgetting so quickly the anger that motivated so many voters to the polls the tremulant behavior of the freshly elected democrat fundraisers is particularly galling but not unexpected from the timid manner they pursued and executed their campaigns-- The DLC wing pandered a pro-war position and lost many of those contests only now attempting to co-opt the Howard Dean led victory-- Patting Nancy Pelosi of the back while pulling the rug out from under her-- It seems the electoral victory didn't entail spinal implants or infusions of courage for the tin men who owe their allegiance to the special interest campaign money AIPAC's pro-war largesse has bestowed upon them-- If the Iraq War is a surrogate war for Israel perhaps it's time for them to come clean about it-- Fess up!!-- The Democratic party's closet neocons are just as culpable as Perle and Kristol-- We should know who and what we are fighting for over there and why these fundraiser elites find the continued dismemberment of young American men and women and potential governmental bankruptcy a suitable risk in sustaining their under the table support for this unvarnished disaster-- Blair and the original Neocon Cabal have overtly and clearly now admitted it is definitely NOT!!!!..... for the Iraqis--
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