The first casualty of the iminent Demi takeover is everyman's bogeyman Donald Rumsfeld-- Presiding over the Defense Department's deadly lecture with a stubborn stern certitude no one managed to penetrate for better or worse-- Robert Gates former CIA director but more recently a player in the James Baker Iraq study group will replace Rumsfeld and most likely bring with him the Baker Plan for charting a new course in Iraq featuring talks with Syria and Iran-- The same plan Hillary Clinton, the senator who lavished multi-millions of dollars on her own re-election bid, attempted to co-opt in typical visionary term paper form in the final run-up to the midterm election-- The prickly Rumsfeld won't be missed by many if any actually but his disappearance from the scene won't alter the carnage in Iraq in the short term nor will it lessen the carnage going on in the Housing sector, the almost immediate uptick in oil prices, or the ominous comments from China concerning diversification of their currency reserves and the damage a falling dollar could inflict on American incomes/life styles-- Since the demies didn't exactly explicate their positions on these converging economic debilitations we must hope they recover from their victorious hubris before these competing trainwrecks completely demolish our nation's immediate future--
The voters were clearly heard with regard to Iraq-- Every candidate with an anti-Iraq War position front and center in their campaign.... won!!!!-- Even the anti-antiwar amoebas at the DLC will be very hard pressed to misread this message-- The last-gasp desperate childish mudslinging offended/angered everyone everywhere and cast a rude pall over the entire election-- There is an undercurrent of discontent in the American body politic which the contrived red vs. blue fails to account for or explain in terms either party may find conducive to future elections-- The Republicans have to rebuild completely-- Districts gerrymandered into supposed impregnability failed-- John McCain may be the front runner of his party but his party is the big loser here politically and militarily-- Leadership options should be wide open but gubernatorial Repo's took a huge hit-- George Allen once portrayed as presidential timber is now damaged goods beyond repair-- Rudy G's intelligence would be severely questioned should he volunteer to pick up Humpty's scattered pieces and attempt to reconstruct-- Newt Gringrich??-- Well is he still championing eternal war and the clash of civilization??-- The repo-men are headed for the political wilderness-- Chuck Hegel may be their man but do they want someone with integrity??--
The main question for the demies beyond victory spoils is whether they have the nerve to lead and will they confront the above mentioned problems threatening to envelope the US in recession or worse or will they cower behind the perks of power in their chairmanships and investigate the losers to death and the rest of us right along with them-- Payback can be a bitch but Victory in politics does not guarantee success-- Good Luck, America
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