Here we go!!!--The honeymoon for new Speaker of the House Coach Nancy Pelosi has come to an abrupt halt-- Pity!!--Not that the Sunday Seattle Times cartoon depicting Pelosi as the new sheriff on the block charging into the oval office at the White House ordering doughboy Rove to douse his cigar and take his fat feet off the table while Bush and Cheney play a monopoly-like boardgame of risky world endeavors like Iraq endeared Madam Pelosi to the independents and skeptics of the world even less than Maureen Dowd's nostalgic feminist midweek harangue posing as insightful election analysis-- Vindictively flawed Dowd pronounces the voting public chose John Tester Montana's redneck organic farmer and once a marine always a marine James Webb because they represented the voter's need for a 'Mommy' that the sicko Repo-men couldn't supply-- Enter ascension certain to gnaw at one Mrs. Clinton and her presidential ambition-- Pro-Hillary media hacks find the current lame duck congressional session the perfect time to take Pelosi's rising star down a notch or two-- Pelosi is from California a state whose presidential primary Hillary would need to win to secure the nomination a task made less difficult if Pelosi, who might possibly entertain larger ambitions than just first female Speaker of the House, were tarnished by a defeat or two along the way--
Beyond this potential catfight to the more immediate situation here again the anti-antiwar amoebas at the DLC have sought to sabotage the larger party not to mention the anti-Iraq War will of the voting public and all for their own personal power-- While Howard Dean victorious architect of the demies 50 state strategy continued to be smeared by the likes of DLCers Beguila and Carvile bitter leftover Clintonian hacks who aided the Bush re-election by supporting buffoonish john F. kerry, John Murtha Pelosi's point man against the war and her choice for the majority leader in the house succumbed badly to 25 year representative Steny Hoyer so moderate and conciliatory none of his political stands or achievements were evidently available at posttime-- Pro War Rahm Emanual authorror of The Loser Strategy which saw 13 of his handpicked largely pro-war slate of 22 candidates go down to defeat was elevated to the #4 slot as the chairman of the Demie Caucus a clear victory for AIPAC and its support for the Iraq War-- The veneer of Superwoman coming into power to clean-up Repo-corruption and set the religious crazed world of the neo-con in order has been clearly besmirched by Murtha's considerable rout-- Victory hubris aside Pelosi the savvy political saviour mere men in Dowd's snide but tiring brand of feminist delusion would never risk 'messing with' should have known the votes were not there-- If she can't chose her own whip how will she lash the freshly enfeebled and defeated opposition into obeisance??-- The onus is now clearly on Pelosi to demonstrate effectively that she can get the job done-- While raising the minimum wage hardly qualifies as an agenda(it should be accomplished political noses to the grindstone in about four hours) it might suffice to resurrect Pelosi from this initial embarrassing stumble-- Who knows what Hoyer's position on a politically sensitive practice like earmarks will be but its Nancy who is in charge of setting the moral tone for the new House majority, and alas, we know how Lawwoman Pelosi stands "There are many earmarks that are very worthy - all of mine, as a matter of fact."
Reform corruption??-- Not this time around!!!!
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