The agenda challenged Democrats still have John F. Kerry to kick around and so do the Republicans-- In new-age guilt-free parlance that must be a win-win, no?-- The Party of Franklin Roosevelt and the Party of Abraham Lincoln cannot deny they have hit the bottom of the barrel-- The Bull Moose Party would have a field day with these dolts-- Don the I-man Imus even told Kerry to shut-up get off the stage lock himself in the attic zip the lip go for a cruise in a swiftboat whatever just disappear which Kerry unabashedly accepted-- Bush and Cheney jumped all over the Kerry blunder displaying their own hideously noxious desperation-- The administration running from the Iraq disaster by staying the 'fictional' we are winning course which in real terms means more maimed and dead in support of political charades-- The Democrats are running away from a 'defining' position out of fear Mr. Meanie Rove will paint them with naughty words calling their absent courage into question-- Ineptitude at its finest-- The worst Congress in History-- The worst Presidency in History-- Petty vulgar vile mean-spirited ignorant stupid greedy cowardly creepy self-absorbed power-hungry aphrodisiac-driven liars a degenerate media portrays as you guessed it....public servants-- The show must go on-- Helluva job, Kerry--
Despite the buffoonish puffery of inside the beltway politics where the scum also rises as Hemmingway once might have penned, real America is looking at problems the likes of which neither party wishes to confront-- The ridiculous election whichever way it goes will not stop the big lump of coal heading for the dismal Christmas stockings of mall addicted Americans-- Richard Iley, senior US economist at BNP Paribas in New York, said: "This is an economy slowing down rapidly as the housing market loses pace." A slew of anxiety permeates the sales prognoses at Walmart, Gap, Target as Iley adds,"The tectonic plates of the economy are shifting and that spells very gloomy news for the American consumer." The politicians are more concerned about a botched joke by a failed presidential contender not even up for re-election-- The fact that some even address the issue and its potential effect or non-effect on the elections outcome illuminate just how myopic and out of touch these glorified fundraisers have become--Did Kerry know it was botched and when did he know it??-- "Of course, now Senator Kerry says he was just making a joke, and he botched it up,'' the vice president announced in Kalispell where he was campaigning for convicted and jailed black Jack Abramoff's bagman Konrad Burns. ``I guess we didn't get the nuance. He was for the joke before he was against it." -- Helluva job, Kerry!!!--
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