After being giving a list of six demands by Bush security advisor Stephen Hadley that he would automatically be incapable of carrying out primarily the order to disarm and disband the shiite militias (ostensibly to include the one he belongs to) notably the Mehdi Army run by warlord Moqtada al Sadr coupled with the de-commissioning of the Iraqi group tasked with banning the Baathist Party, Nuri al Malicki the cross-haired Iraqi PM with the aid of a few Al Sistani advisors has to see he's being set-up for certain failure that would consequently yield a highly probable coup-- his own!!--
Rumors last month had US advisors on a quest in Jordan for a former Baathist General or two if possible willing to participate in a coup-- The Shiite militias have gravitated toward the influence and largess of Iran and the sectarian bloodletting at this stage of the game is completely beyond American expertise to control-- Thanksgiving week has seen the cascading carnage explode exponentially with the administration at a complete loss as to how to proceed from here-- Spokesman Tony Snow pathetically parsing the term 'Civil War' appeared incoherent as if possessed by the inanity of an outgoing Rumsfeld lecture-- Well why say anything if there isn't anything to say-- Iraq's life support system is failing fast and truly it is beyond time that the administration cop to the fact that: There Really Is No Iraq as we would like to define it anymore!!!-- The map is not the terrain-- The Think-Tank is not the field of battle--The Government housed in the GreenZone is not now nor ever shall be a representative democratic body-- It is merely an amalgamation of opposing sectarian militias and tribal warlords attempting to siphon as much money and arms from America and its diminishing will as it can and the administration is ideologically blind to this condition and too rigidly narcissistic to admit that these different sects and tribes prefer their way of life to the one our occupation is attempting to force down their throats--
Recent polls indicate sixty percent Iraqi support for armed resistance against
the United States, while approximately eighty percent of Iraqis support some
timetable for withdrawal, an indispensable indicator for Iraqi insurgents laying
down some arms
Tom Hayden's behind the scenes story at has James Baker informing one of Saddam's lawyers that Tariq Aziz would soon win release from detention to aid the US in negotiating with the Sunni insurgents-- Condi Rice recent diplomacy convert is apparantly attempting to develop contacts that will facilitate such discussions or negotiations-- The protocols of how Malicki's potential ouster would allow the Shiites to agree to share oil revenues equally with their former overlords the Sunni hasn't been explained unless the US totally allied with a new Baathist regime completely destroys Sadr City and the Mahdi army-- Shiites in Southern Iraq would most likely not take too kindly to such a development and remember the long supply line from Kuwait up through southern Iraq to the Greenzone fortress in Baghdad is largely 'protected' by Sadr/Malicki benefactor Ayatollah al-Sistani-- What an insane fiasco (admittedly an overuse of the most appropos term)-- Unmentioned in recent days Kurdish secession with their oil fields intact seems to be a fait accompli but how this will play in The New Sunniville is problematic at best-- Killing Malicki unlocks another door to another house of yet unseen horror-- Colonel Kurtz, where are you???--
If the US wants to terminate the continuing dissolution of the Baathist remnants of Saddam Hussein it reflects an old addage that 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'-- Some would say The Empire is throwing in the towel-- Saddam's boys have won--The Neocon Cabal still united around their malignant project for a new middle east have all blamed Bush and Rummy and Cheney (newly sidelined by Daddy Baker) and their complete ineptitude--The Ship of State is in dire straits-- The Dollar precipitously nosedived on Black Friday adding to the gloom already harbingered by the strangely timed death of noted free marketeer Milton Friedman-- Every American or at least those paying attention probably gave uneasy but heartfelt Thanks they could spend the holiday with their own family instead of being consigned to the Baghdad hellhole instigated by their current government in Washington DC-- That includes those demies who have gone silent about the war in the wake of the Repo-defeat-- Holiday Homage to Lame Ducks--
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