Saturday, December 09, 2006


Soon to be new Sec Def Robert Gates at the softball Senate confirmation hearings testified that the US was 'not winning' in Iraq-- He alsoooo testified the US was 'not losing' in Iraq-- Not one of the Senate committee members inquired of Gates 'Who is winning?'-- Nor was there any inquiry as to 'who was losing?' most probably because the obvious answer was beyond dispute--Everyone is losing-- Some group will will itself to power militarily and politically and it will not be the US but the coming outcome will not usher in a triumph capable of altering that basic fact-- Discouraging as the Gates waffle appeared the irrefutable answer went unchallenged-- Everyone is losing...period!!!!!
The overstretched still underarmored American voluntary military is demoralized bored and weary of a tactically dysfunctional war; a strategically delusional hubric wrought in think-tank isolation by militarily and historically combat-challenged intellectuals cut off from the real world parameters of simple common sense; the deranged and endangered defense budget decimated by huge cost over-runs, outright fraudulence and the damning imposition of dollar valuations spiralling ever downward in profound disarray, and the potentially fatal souring of relations between the military brass (those tasked with executing the mission and burying the results) and their civilian overseers (those esconced in special provinces who cavalierly embark on the commitment of our forces with such a casual swagger...--paraphrase of Lt.General Ed Neubold,ret. who stood up!!)-- a two hundred year tradition frayed at the seams-- Good though Rumsfeld will depart he does not bear singular responsibility here -- Mr. Gates, the expediently spined Senators gave you free pass but you too should be afraid!!!!--
What both sides of our single-party politcal echelon in DC have miserably failed to grasp in their craven politcal posturing is that the grim situation in Iraq is beyond the control and influence even Daddy Baker's study group-- Another ThinkTank White-Paper writ by those whose success in the world owes nostalgically to those final-exam term-papers during their pull-an-all-nighter salad days in The Ivy League-- This 79-point proposal tells us more about our own paradigm than the tactical landscape of Iraq outside the Green Zone whose confines factually very few well intentioned American visitors ever venture beyond-- Dead-ender Neocons favoring bully ultimatums for Malicki to magically perform that which the Bushies themselves have failed to accomplish truly despise the 'New Realism' suddenly ascendant in DC and will attempt sabotage at every turn-- As if Malicki even has an army or a police force not infiltrated and embedded with militia insurgents gangsters spies and outright criminals of every sectarian stripe -- As if there is a huge population group called Iraqis who aren't sectarian first and who aren't opposed to the US occupation simply waiting for BushBlair success-- If we build them a democrazy they will come-- Hollywood fantasy truly dies hard in the dust of Iraq (Bruce Willis can't save it)and will die difficult in DC-- The Neocons will now fight to undermine the ISG in part so history will not denounce them as deluded bogeyman but in their own legend will laud them as visionary patriots robbed at the threshold of ultimate victory and in the final moments by weak-kneed moderate 'realists' and wussie demicrats -- The fractionalization of DC will continue more intently and unabated amidst the proud struts before the ubiquitous cameras of narcissism and the multiple plentitude of careering chiefs ephemerally minus enough indians of true support to effect meaningful change-- Following the fracturing comes the bitter finger-pointing-- It happens to championship football teams and signals incipient and ugly decline--
Bush and Blair at the newsconference!!! the Reviews are coming in and they are not pretty-- Mr Bush looked old and grey-- Bush appeared diminished and tired-- Bush's performance was depressing, petulant, truculent and irritatingly simplistic....surreally determined...lacked confidence.....-- The magisterial NYTimes called the ISG 'political cover' for Bush's failure in Iraq but implied Bush was too ignorant to accept it as if Daddy Baker try as he might with all his slick might has the power to save the situation-- Maybe at the minimalist least the iSG will prove more cover to the duplicitous media who goosestepped into Iraq right along side the neocons(though stationed in studios and think-tanks), who shied away from telling the plain truth most of them knew about ground zero in Iraq way before uncurious George ever got the word-- There is nothing pleasant about hearing the President of the United States even in the destitute failure of his own making being knifed to death by the same clowns who jumped on the falsely intelligenced bandwagon at the first outset of fire hoping to boost their careers by championing an 'easy' war--
The hubris of the Schlock and the Odd-- Bush looked resigned rather than angry that he would so brazenly be accused by a journalist of denying what was obvious to virtually everyone-- Yeah, right!!!!-- Real Journalists told the real truth from the real ground of Iraq but the echelon in finger-to-the-wind DC simply disdained hearing it-- Now all the johnny-come-lately dog-pilers arrive carrying their slings seeking career boosts at the stoning of our pathetic president and the ignominious denial of failure in Iraq-- Oh yeah!!!! Right On!!!! "It's bad in Iraq. Does that help?" Like the Insurgency the farther this goes the more inclusive grows the shame--

The organ grinder's monkey just as far removed from reality as Bushmusic Mr Blair was more conciliatory in accepting that things in Iraq were dire but quite enthusiastic as only he can be in his reading of the ISG paper, which he said contained a "strong way forward"-- like Mr Bush, incapable of admitting failure he outlined a necessity however unattainable for success in Iraq. "I think it is important now we concentrate on the elements that are necessary to make sure that we succeed because the consequences of failure are severe." A failure like the doomed duo's victory.....completely undefined-- Like judges at a figure skating event Blair scored press points on style--

The London Times' take on the IsG from its mahogany foxholes favored the robust over the real " War weariness presents a greater threat to America, and to its friends and allies, than do the hitmen of Baghdad’s blazing suburbs." Wow, then why are we there in the first place?-- If the hitmen aren't a threat???-- Baghdad's blazing 'burbs weren't even blazing before the George and Tony show arrived-- Various sects actually mingled without slaughter--"But a domestic political truce would do untold damage if it were bought at the cost of eroding international confidence in American steadfastness and, thus, in the reach of American power." Pardon me, but your verb tense is incorrect, 'international confidence in American steadfastness' has already eroded and it has done so at the great cost you beware-- The coalition of the willing is and has voted with its feet-- The American dollar has taken a drubbing in the results of this robust fiasco partly because Euro-steadfastness never made an appearance militarily or financially-- The proportionate price the Brits offered was far more bark than bite-- Mister Blair's blaring ranting incantations about the robust(there's that word of the blowhards again) contributions on the part of the Royal British Empire and the hallowed references to Churchillian nostalgia failed to instigate noticeable flinching on the part of the Fedayeen--

The Times of London worries 'the US political establishment is more interested in damage limitation than in a durably stable Iraq' rightfully dismissing the inane bureau-speak of the ISG-- The Times as nearly every media outlet refers to the people in Iraq as Iraqis first but contrary to popular delusion the great majority of the people refer to themselves first as Sunni, Shiite or Kurd first and Iraqi second third or fourth depending on tribal affiliation-- A durably stable Iraq currently is an oxymoron-- There is no 'Iraq'-- Even 'failed state' is stretching the term-- Combatively contested territory is way more accurate and could almost qualify tonally as DC-speak-- The inability of western power to understand this simple semantic clarification is one reason for it's ongoing failure-- Self adoration in the canard that bigger bloodlust and major panic would occur, as the Times sarcastically puts it, if "the merest hint that the US might take its toys home" exposes another logical flaw-- The Iraqi people are actually now at this very moment experiencing the rabid chaos we believe will happen without our 'essential'presence there and while it obviously isn't child's play they are the ones miraculously coping-- With or without our presence the indigenous people of the region will decide, they are the deciders not the contrived government now faking it in the Green Zone-- The Times' delusion that the west is in control enough to offer ultimatums to this hollow Iraqi Government or even to the shriekingly savage insurgency makes its criticism of the current political divide in DC moot--No one in the 'Iraqi" security forces will risk the certain death reserved for collaborators acting against their own sect/tribe/community--The benchmarks can't be met no matter how many ludicrous ultimatums they employ--This paradigm itself is not real-- Wake Up!!!!--The map is not the terrain and never has been-- Events are already beyond control even for the Daddy Baker group


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