The speech has been uttered not full of 'sound and fury' but a speech nonetheless told by a flailing man -- The President of the United States cannot comprehend the nature of the war he continues to ask America to fight inside Iraq-- Someone should inform Mr. Bush that there are more wars than one daily destroying Iraq and currently de-stabilizing the entire Middle East-- Soon, if Mr. Bush's new Neocon dream-induced half-baked plan (monikered by American Troops under the codename Operation Provide Targets) goes into effect, another war will erupt-- The Shia will join the insurgent Sunni in attacking American Troops but not in a collaboration with the Sunni--'Charlie doesn't Surge'!!!!!!--
Boogieman ascendant Moqtada alSadr and his estimated 100,000 man militia will begin to join the fray against the American Troops who under the new plan will deploy and stay on duty inside Sadr City providing even more and better targets....the stationary kind-- Sadr is unlikely to utilize frontal assaults against American firepower and fortified positions but Time and terrain in Sadr City belong to him-- The slum-dwellers provide the up-to-the-minute humint not available to the still underarmored and overstretched and yes overstressed US Army and Marines-- Casualties of higher caliber and frequency will follow-- Billions of dollars will be wasted piecemeal every week and Veteran benefits back home will still continue to be cut-- The 2 million dollar earmark for a 'Victory Parade' still sits in escrow with some repo-hack in DC-- Charlie doesn't Surge in Sadr City yet he's getting stronger every day, no question--
Some say the Surge has already begun but others, as in Def Sec Gates, won't give an exact timetable for implementation indicating the half-baked nature of the dog-and-pony run-up to The Speech-- Fredrick Kagan American Enterprise Institute Ziocon argued for 60,000 troops and an additional number of years in his grandiose plan-- Why this fellow wins Bush's ear while the likes of Neubold and Batiste and Eaton and Zinni and Webb and Abizaid with their decades worth of considerable ground-zero experience in combat theatres of all kind get short shrift is beyond the pale-- The daunting consequences of American Failure in Iraq that these genuinely fearful Neocon morons reverberate against repeatedly are truly their progeny-- What this monstrous calamity wroughts in terms of influence lost and economy drained worldwide belongs to them--The un-numbered dead march into eternity in vain to the music of this neocon hubris-- Meanwhile, into the butchery of Baghdad go the latest 21,500--
Or .....and this is a big 'Or if'-- If the situation in Baghdad is as hellishly close to collapse as the Daddy Baker Group has warned the question is whether the numerically meager surge(meager due to real time troop-availability rather than conceptual lowballing) a trojan horse designed to falsely fail thereby allowing Bush to save face, 'cut and run'(in his words) and give the Neocon Failure a fall guy.....The Iraqi people????-- Fifth century neanderthals incapable of appreciating the magisterial democracy the genteel 21st century self-flattering neocons attempted to bestow on them-- The Kristol/Kagan tandem says 'Eureka!!!....Let's blame the Iraqis!!!!-- Expedient???....So What?? ...Free-lunch is getting cold in the mahogany foxhole back at the think-tank.....---
More questions!!!!--Is AIPAC running our Foreign Policy carte blanche??-- Why are the little demies only posturing positions on the Surge??-- Are they duly capable of such stalwart principles as those embodied in 'non-binding' resolutions??-- And can that be raisson detre enough for an entire political party when confronted by the biggest not to mention the only elephant in the US living room??? Are the Repo-men the only ones who can stop the war??--Did the USS Stennis depart for the Persian Gulf (Aren't two carrier groups on station there already???--) to help enable an Israeli/American attack on Iran or has the situation in Baghdad so deteriorated that circumstance may demand immediate redeployment or withdrawal???-- Or Both??-- The White House denied vehemently any plans to attack Iran or Syria are in the works-- They have lied before--
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