Saturday, January 20, 2007


State of The Union not exactly strong and not exactly good on the weekend before The Speech-- The American Majority agrees that the American Train is rolling down the wrong track and may have already tuned out in sufficient enough numbers that the State of The Union message will meet with fewer ears than needed to salvage our future-- Still, no one loves a political speech and its attendant theatre like former speechwriters but Peggy Noonan, after panning Bush's Surge oration of last week as 'something unnerving ..... from the jumpy beginning to the stumbles to the sound glitches....a jittery affair... some dusk hung over it.', waits uneasily perhaps with bated breath for Tuesday's redemptive attempt by an obviously flailing President--

Many once staunchly supportive Repo-men are skeptical and the Demies intent on rising to the level of non-binding profiles-in-courage now sometimes verbally oppose the Surge-- Noonan once one of the war's cheerleaders litanies a cross section of Beltway heavyweights in reaction to to the proposed Surge-- McCain impaled and sobered by Bush's weak and meager proposal-- Pat Buchanan, the inveterate hawk who opposed Shock and Awe from the beginning, gamely and statesmanly granting Bush his last chance without kicking him while he's down-- Dianne Feinstein another demie duped by the false intelligence canard feigning shock at the suddenly flimsy way forward-- Today speaker Pelosi emerged from the Bush bunker at the White House and whined (like she expected partnership) that Bush wasn't interested enough in her plan for Iraq to even enquire--

Noonan does sense something more important below the radar of most pundits going through the motion like jaded theatre critics covering another cliche-ed DC spectacle but she doesn't fall for the what-will-happen-when-we-leave scare scenario long bandied about by disingenuous DC insiders and irredeemed neocons as a rationale to stay the same defeated course-- Unlike most repo-men and demie apologists for continued occupational presence in Iraq she recognizes there is no shortage of hiding places worldwide for terrorists to meet to plan to practice and to proselytize jihadism and that the American occupation of Iraq fosters jihadistic recruiting and will continue to do so whether we are still there or not years hence-- Failure can't be an option because it has already occurred--

Noonan hints her antennae have picked up some scurrilous vibe that the current administration is collapsing and the void left behind must be filled by those wholly incapable of mustering the fiber necessary to fill the breach-- She describes them "unserious in their thoughts and approach... They seem locked into habits that no longer pertain, and absorbed by the small picture of partisan advancement at the expense of the big picture, which is that the nation is in trouble and needs their help. They are sunk in the superficial."-- Nothing written about the demies first 100 hours of strutting and fretting their hour upon the stage in the delusive atmosphere of what they can accomplish can possibly have captured the truly vacuous posturing of potential demie presidential aspirants-- In one of the phoniest presidential antes ever, Headliner Hillary is in to win !!-- Are we in good hands or what????--

Perhaps its Noonan's fear, perhaps a misplaced fear but nonetheless not overdone, of the demies' manifest foreign policy ignorance and incompetence (not to mention their corrupt financial allegiance to AIPAC which virtually dictates their feigned policystances) which, parenthetically, certainly rivals the neocon hubric and its fubar-naivete, and what that abscense of competence and its attendant host, willfull ignorance of the world beyond the narcissistic Beltway, means for the immediate, the intermediate and the long term prospects for America The Beautiful that allowed Mr. Bush's virtual declaration of war on Iran to slide by her uncommented upon-- Most of the impeccably vapid punditocracy seemed to revel most vainly in Bush finally acknowledging 'mistakes were made'-- Like, what does that prove??-- Is the mediacracy that cheerled this Neocon Aipac idiocy somehow vindicated??-- It is as if once Bush master of the stubborn denial cops to mistakes the national karma zeroing in on America's wounded culture and spendthrift society from those little infernal follies of aggressive war will somehow magically vanish???-- The piper won't have to be paid????-- The consequences can be refused??--Theme parks will glow in faux splendor again??-- Easy oil will expel all worry and debt???--Mickey Rooney will sing again in an instantaneously bounding and confident strut and the optimism of yore will drive up the street with Jimmy Stewart at the wheel???-- Yo, what's the frequency, Helen??--

Pat Buchanan did not look the other way refusing to ignore the potential disaster implicit in Bush's comments about 'addressing' Iran and Syria-- Success in Iraq which Bush still champions, even if it fails the definition of Victory, depends on it...on attacking Iran!!-- All the pieces to the military attack scenario puzzle are being put into place-- The Air Force and the Navy ascendant now and ever ready for the order but not skeptical of surgical strike capability and not owning up to the need for real boots on the real ground while the Army and the Marines still eat and sleep in the dust of Iraq doomed to repeat Operation Provide Target until their Senior Officers go to the real wall for their troops--The oblivious hipster media and the demie intelligentsia as well as Repo senators facing 2008 re-election all mutually assent to the mea culpa of being duped by false intel and mutually concur the Iraqi misadventure is lost-- Consensus among them spells disaster if Israel and Bush attack Iran therefore common sense dictates it can't or won't happen so why not just change the subject to the pretend world of eternal campaigning-- With the overheated Obillary frenzy and the toilworn faux 'politics of hope' seeking optimistic traction, some are desperately and maniacly attempting to repaint or recast their initial goose-stepping support for Shock and Awe into more palatable political light-- That they will find willing and able fellow travelers in the media to help them execute this fraudulent make-over is a given-- Both are running from the same demon-- This is clearly revolting to the many and disparate independent political junkies as well as concerned reliable American citizens but who up until now seem to have limited their civilly 'disobedient' duty to the blathersphere -- We all belong to this tragedy but the more we fail to face up to our responsibility the more tragic and chaotic this disorder will blossom into fire-- At the very least, pay attention!!--The professional politicians of both parties are failing you and the country and some with deliberate and mailicious intent--

However, all the while forging onward like the energizer Bunny, Bush still doesn't get it or better yet refuses to acquiesce to it-- To him and his dead-enders Iraq and the Project for a New American Century are not lost-- History some thirty years downroad will call him an American Churchill the fawning ziocon sycophants whisper into his tin ears only if he doesn't lose his nerve-- Bush still has to report for duty and finish the final tour of his enlistment in the Texas Air National Guard-- Manhood demands this attempt at baby-boomer redemption-- The Oedipal contest continues and Bush cannot bail out of his bomber too early like the critics of his Father claimed was done in World War II-- The only way he can redeem his father and himself is to fly this shot-to-pieces plane further into this abyss of American nightmare-- Face it!!-- Bush is desperate for some kind of victory and all he has left is Iran and a wing and a prayer and even half of that still belongs to Hollywood--Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States....


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