How resolute is a non-binding resolution anyway????-- Is this just an opening skirmish in the demies' grand strategery to execute the will-of-the-people who returned them to congressional power after a twelve year hiatus ostensibly to terminate the insanity of this US occupation of Iraq??-- Clearly the demies less-than-resolute opening gambit bears none of the earmarks associated with the passionate power of principled political action with the exception of course of Repo Senator Hagel who clearly advocated a passionate antiphony to the 'dangerously irresponsible' Bush Surge litany but again he belongs to the party across the aisle from the meager demies who so far have managed to incite an embarassingly humiliating catfight between the inquisitional demi Senator Boxer and the ever fillibustible Sec State Condi Rice--That both sides delusionally seem to think they have mountainous oodles of time on their side is pathetically evident-- Rome didn't burn in a day but DC doesn't even smell the smoke!!
Court politics is of course more important than any cessation of the murderous bloodletting ever burgeoning in Iraq but the faint hearted demies now have another political marker to make them cringe even further-- Tony Snow-job is asking of the irresolute resolution 'How will it, (the resolution) show Support for the Troops??'-- The ultimate demies' dreaded political nightmare-- Whoa!!!!....They may have to actually defend their undefined position-- Maybe faux genius Rahm can calibrate an expedient soundbite or two but sooner, hopefully, rather than later, if they are interested in true leadership, they must emerge from under their well-made AIPAC beds and step into the fray-- The principled defectors from the Bush New-Way-Forward partyline like Voinovich, Hegal, Smith, Snow and others may have to supply some much needed testosterone to the weenie demies-- Granting James Webb the honor of first responder to the Bush State of the Union address next Tuesday might have a galvanizing effect but many of the DLC anti-military repo-demies didn't honor Webb's candidacy in the first place and probably won't go to the wall with him-- Opportunistic pro-Hillary DLCers missed this chance to put rival waffler and Lieberman-mentored Obama on the political spot-- Lost time is not found again--
Demie apologists all intone the canard that there is nothing the new congress can really do-- While this is a backhanded admission of their inherent weakness not to mention outright cowardice, political action without backbone is truly unattainable but the denial of legislative remedies is willful ignorance and artless dodgery-- Try, ...Rescinding the initial Iraq War authorization for starters....on second thought they can't do that because it would remind potential campaign donors (especially their AIPAC handlers) and young activist workers of their initial positive pro-war votes which had most of the 40 odd demie senators casting their lot with the Bush/Rove juggernaut and now they are simply too embarrassed to own up to their role in Mission not Accomplished-- Can you spell Meltdown????--
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