Wednesday, January 24, 2007


On the day after the SOTU Speech at the local coffeehouse bakery on the island the Bush performance barely resonated among the denizens-- The pomp and pageantry of lowkey stagecraft served up an atmosphere of rapidly diminishing expectations amidst the ever burgeoning hallucinatory laundry list of what the delusional DC echelon always claims it can accomplish in the following year-- Last night's mega-promises fell on many a deafened ear--

Wednesday the house Demies saw their attempt to give the sinking dreams of working class Americans a boost in the minimum wage shipwrecked by Repo insistence on adding tax breaks for restaurant owners-- This bill wasn't supposed to contain any heavy lifting.....this was to be a slam dunk(George Tenet, the demies need you).... but apparently the new congress didn't get the word-- It isn't as powerful as it thinks--

The Canary in the mine shaft....the minimum wage increase....unbelievable-- Will giving some rumored loophole exemptions and perks to Aipac Lobby tarnish the nascent glow of an ethics reform bill already passed then lauded for its PR value and apparently swept hurriedly under the enforcement rug??-- Non-binding Ethics reform at its most cynical-- The Aipac Lobby fared better than the average American because on Thursday as the minimum wage increase bill deceased in the mahogany foxholes of the demie controlled senate the entire Demie agenda has suddenly but not unexpectedly become suspect--

If the minimum wage bill can be driven completely aground can a nonbinding resolution opposing the Surge of the 21Five into the bloody butchery of Baghdad be far behind??--Can we expect serious leadership from the majority party over the course of the next two years when so many of their so called heavy guns have their sights set on positioning themselves to campaign for the presidency??--Soundbites searching for any camera anywhere and everywhere substituting for legislative elbow grease???-- Can the ever disunited demie lesser lights hold their shrinking government agenda together while their self-important super-stars play American Idol on their self serving campaign trail??--Is personal ambition what our country desperately needs currently or have our 'leaders' become too narcissisticly self-indulgent to see the bigger picture beyond the beltway and how much trouble our nation is truly in??-- If our statesmen excelled at statesmenship perhaps our priorities would not be so possessed by the need to put so much energy into creating sillyass acronyms like SOTU-- Yes, too,.....the state of the union......


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