The day of rebuke that failed to happen....AGAIN!!!!-- Another flame-out for the demie-captain Harry 'hardball' Reed-- Senate demies, stymied once more by meanie Karl Rove's repo-men and the ragged retro-remnants of the vast right-wing-conspiracy, had the unmitigated gall to inconvenience their darling and precious presidential candidates dislodging them from the outland hustings of the perennial campaign's money-hustle and requiring their senatorial attendance to vote on a nonbinding dog-and-pony resolution-- Imagine that, asking the mega fundraisers to interrupt their hyperlific media swings and canned photo-ops to actually perform a required political duty...... Imagine that, asking the Obillary Frenzy amidst the campaign whirlwind to take, okay, a non-binding irresolute paper thin stand whose ultimate goal was an embarrassing paper rebuke of George Bush via the ever-sharp marshmallow-taloned floor debate when they knowingly didn't have the votes..... on a holiday weekend no less-- Talk about ratcheting up real pressure on a quaking lame-duck president-- Oh,boy,..... do these demies really mean business??!!!!!
Mark Twain once opined, "When in doubt, tell the truth. There's a lot less to remember." Such luxury so far avails itself somewhat to demie senator Obama who was against the war then and is now still against the war today though how much is open to political speculation but his record still categorically shows no votes for the war although there is one vote wishing to remain camouflaged from the light of day--Remember the Patriot Act???....legislation huge numbers (98 if recalled correctly) of senators assented to many if not a majority admittedly without even reading beforehand-- Smooth sailing though on the war-vote issue for the near term campaign future with one more caveat-- He's still chained to an inept wilting crew of senatorial cowards so incapable of resolute meaningful action as to refrain from even the attempt--The inspirational statesmanship of the moistened finger uplifted into the cyclone the imminent failure in Iraq bears menacingly down upon the said mis-shapen representation the Ship of the American State is now burdened with/by--
The campaign state of the inveterate ambition-driven demie Hillary Clinton continues charting rough waters as long time Democrat party stalwarts and activists repeatedly demand, and rightfully so, of Mrs. Rodham an accounting for her lack of courage in voting to enable Prez Bush's mad-neocon embarkation into the colossally mega-incendiary cauldron in what was formerly referred to as Iraq-- Her recalcitrant refusal to cop to her mistake here is reminiscent of her stumbling truth-challenged defense over her sudden dollar enrichment to the tune of a hundred grand one afternoon playing cattle futures with a bunch of Arkansan good ol'boys when it suddenly came to light-- An obliviously tin-eared defense even her strident femi-nazi supporters felt guiltily obligated to sweep under the rug of once 'right on!' sisterhood-- Parenthetically the same sisterhood from whom, hubcap Bill Clinton's bombing of civilian targets in the Kosovo squabble without United Nation's authorized consent, merited not so much as a protest's peep-- Oh well..........moving on back to the present stop-frame--
So the calculated adoption of the ridiculous canard of standing by her Iraq War vote because little Bush fibbed the intel she was so injudiciously gullible enough to gobble up hook, line and sinker is slowly sinking her credibility litmus card-- If the mendaciously felonious Ahmad Chalabi suckered Cheney and Cheney suckered Bush and Bush suckered Hillary just think what a field day cunning better-practiced masters of the duplicitous arts like say Bibi 'hollywood' Netanyahoo or the Pakistani Impervez Musherriff would have......with New York's 'original' Yankee-fan--
The boopsy demie twins Carvile and Beguila and other dissolute repo-lite regressives of the DLC seem sufficiently concerned about red-faced Hillary's self-inflicted boxed-in dilemma to flood the cancerous weekend media venues with a lack of professional spin feeble-full of obsecrated confetti-- Here it comes to the fore in the form of a lateral shift, if you will, a flip not yet a full flop but borderline obsequious enough to potentially open another battle line on the bona fides front and this one obviously derelict enough to have not been run through a stellar political focus group from either the left coast or the right but here it is anyway: 9/11's rendingly emotional aftermath clouded her normal political acuity, confusing her political antennae-- The families of 9/11 victims forced her do it ( but not before instigators led by a red-ass group of Irish firefighters boo-ed her off stage at a 9/11 memorial rally--.......Oooooops!!)
Trotting out this ludicrous 9/11 bridge to mountingly derisive feedback belies her basic credence-- Denial of her own responsibility for her vote on Iraq once again blaming the evil men in her life of which Geo Bush and (coming soon) Obama bin are merely the latest, and playing the petulant I'm-not-a-flip-flop card in such a rigidly stubborn manner only evokes, minus the legendary bookkeeper spectacles at the deadly lectern of course, the late Rumsfeldian certitude and its unvenerated recalcitrance--
An upright willingness to admit her mistake might for a New York minute cause her to appear a little swishy-washy but to emulate and echo Bush's refusal to own-up becomes a self-inflicted cudgel even minor enemies wield with enraptured glee-- Bush never had a plan to win the war and poor Hillary doesn't really have a plan either (even though she's promising like crazy to end it)-- Obama is asking her to put it on the table-- He wants the American people privy to its existence, not in 2009 but today-- One more assinine term-paper solution to the Iraqi inferno-- Oh, the humanity,......... oh, the infuriation-- But both Obama and Hillary lacking resolute conviction alike on a wide array of issues continue their search for a fresh traction-producing posture that has at a minimum Hillary's Campaign Central unnerved and tinged with a slightly desperate air of panic-- Hemorrhaging this much capital this early does not, long run, augur well.......for her, that is--
After all, Hillary (and Obama Edwards Richardson Dodd Biden Romney McCain Giuliani) it isn't about the posture of the initial mistake, its about how it actually affects America and its people, then and now, and what affects it will have on America's homeland and its place in the world-- Why we are going to have great serious difficulty simply paying for all of this and even more difficulty, if possible, resuscitating our national nerve to face the coming emergency when the spineless leadership refuse to even consider it fodder for debate-- So unaware is the current DC echelon, their flailing clout, this very day, engendered tragic laughter and sarcastic disbelief from real American people......once moderate American people........ and until Hillary or any of these non-binding chicken-spit demie downstarts learn this simple fact, not only are they unfit to lead they manifestly cannot-- They deserve the abject embarrassment of being witness to their own non-resolute Day of Rebuke once again going down in flames --
Labels: 9/11, Begala, Bush, Carville, Chalabi, Cheney, DLC, Dodd, Hillary, Iraq War, Kosovo, Mark twain, McCain. Giuliana\i, Obama, Patriot Act, Romney
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