Monday, February 05, 2007


What a pathetic feckless display of non-binding resolve in the Senate-- Demi leader Harry Reed shrewdly outfoxed into unpalatably down-toning the language of resolution his own party devised to cavortingly capitulate to a few repo 'moderates' in order to ostensibly gain the all important 60 votes needed to actually begin floor debate on this never-ending war in Iraq--Crushingly demoralizing their un-spined but practical strategy embarrassingly explodes in their craven faces falling to the senate floor shredded by a crew of canard carrying procedural tricksters oblivious to tomorrow's negative headlines -- The repo boys may have potentially lost long-term by winning this round but the demies still squandered big-time credibility by failing at such soft toss charades-- Blown completely out of the water--

Not only is there no debate there is no non-binding resolution...not even a toothless moderate reprimand--Contrary to their own contemptible self-estimation the inability to control the frame of the debate exposes the obvious demie deficit of practical media savvy but the truth is the wilting demies and the unearned momentum they garnered from the American voters last fall are simply imploding-- Rational articulation no matter how finely window-dressed doesn't lend the repo bullies susceptibility to moral suasion-- Few brains and most of those testosterone-challenged-- Dissolved resolve-- God Almighty if it ain't so goddamned ugly as to make even those truly stout-hearted genuinely concerned and reliable American citizens despair--

Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., opposed the idea of a resolution at a recent Foreign Relations Committee hearing and warned any debate would give comfort to the enemy and "confirm to our friends and allies that we are divided and in disarray."-- Lugar helped kill the debate and in doing so effectively confirmed that division and that disarray as well as the cowardly inability of our convictionless leaders to face up to and perform their now ever graver responsibility-- Does Lugar actually believe our friends and allies, those who haven't yet jumped ship, are somehow incapable of perceiving this division and disarray???-- Hell, even the insurgency in Iraq were it not so dangerous would probably laugh at this semi-conscious Senate's ineptitude and unwittingly vainglorious attempts to mimic their own ineffective Iraqi government-- How about a another senatorial junket to the Greedzone in Baghdad for Imperial Lobsterfest, mint-juleps and more Aipac sponsored re-education??-- Pelosi publicly craves a larger plane-- Unbelievable!!!!--

If the demies really expected bi-partisan comity it only underscores their naivete and accentuates their lack of fitness to serve as leaders of the American people-- Meanwhile out on the campaign hustings the professional campaigneers neglect their senatorial duties to sloganeer their faux promise across the daily blathersphere-- If the war ain't over by 2009 then Hillary will end it??-- Fat chance facho overreach??-- More than likely, but it fills bandwidth with another disposable dream cookie-- But two too-long years of this incessant soundbite babble and the seriously wearying possibly(by-then) recession-buffetted American people will contemplate revolution of the non-academic kind-- The disheveled end to this non-bi-partisan non-binding jumbo-cluster underscores the moral economic and intellectual bankruptcy spreading its tentacles every elsewhere-- Can our government do anything anymore??--

Why the disingenuous palaver about bi-partisanship anyway??--As Andrew Bacevich writes, "The true purpose of bipartisanship is to protect the interests of the Washington Party, the conglomeration of politicians, hustlers, and bureaucrats who benefit from the concentration of wealth and power in the federal city. A “bipartisan” solution to any problem is one that produces marginal change while preserving or restoring the underlying status quo." Try as wimpily as the demies might the school superintendent is just not going to allow 3.2 beer in the drinking fountains but making the initial promise sure made them feel good-- Power definitely has its limits but reaching those limits so early in the game can be utterly deflating-- Class, get out your drawing boards---

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