Monday, February 26, 2007


"Iraq is going to be there — it's just a question of when we get back to it," said Harry 'The Putz' Reed the incapacitated demie leader backing down once more in a shrivelling show of abject disarray-- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined the retreat levelling Jack Murtha's plan at the knees-- Serious divisions inside the party have crippled whatever momentum last fall's elections had bestowed upon these demies-- Now they opt to cut and run from the American people whose flagging confidence in the ability of their government to act in their best interests increasingly demoralizes their natural optimism-- There will be no action to limit or repeal the Iraq war authorization or narrow the mission in Iraq-- The mission itself is now beyond Iraq and out of control, completely out of bounds, off the books and being run by rogue elements and private dual citizenry with whom the demies are too shy to tangle--

Indeed, reading Seymour Hersh's article "The Redirection" depicts a middle east in such pandemic corruption and complex rogue political intrigue involving such disparate energies as funding jihadist islamic Al Quaeda operatives with black money to oppose Hezbollah in Lebanon unbeknowst to the US Congress-- Correct, according to Hersh, the US via Saudi Royalty paying blood money to 9/11's Al Quaeda brotherhood to fight Hezbollah in Lebanon-- Or try this, Hezbolla's leader Nazrallah claiming in a personal interview with Hersh that Bush's real plan is a tri-partite divided state in Iraq and civil war followed by partite state in Lebanon-- The new Axis of Evil hideously playing with the desperate fires of doom.....The Bush Neocons, The Israeli Zionists and the Royal Saudi family -- The demies sadly evince no competence remotely capable of comprehending the internecine historical compulsion into which Bush and the Neocons have unwittingly coerced the American people and their government-- Aipac is working overtime behind the scenes in the once 'hallowed' halls of Congress-- Bush himself embodies pandemic confusion opting for darts launched at ever receding buzzwords--

Saudi Arabia pointed out to Bush and his war cabinet somewhere along the strange and twisted way this colossal mis-adventure unfolded that 90% of all Muslims worldwide are Sunni implying that our efforts in Iraq had aroused the enmity of Sunnis everywhere including their Kingdom-- An arousal of popular anger at such a level may be difficult to control to say the least and there's the lucrative importance of the oil business that might merit some of that more serious anger should the infidel bully in what's left of Iraq cross the wrong Rubicon-- Remember in the run-up to the war a week before D-day Bush inquired of his war cabinet what the difference was between the Shia and the Sunni-- The enemy as an afterthought, a clear admission he couldn't quite conceive into what kind of danger he was ordering America and her soldiers to march--

Not quite suddenly but so it might have seemed, the Bushies, having gambled and lost on transforming moderate shiite suits in Iraq into insurgency world-beaters, and running on empty to avoid the ignominious defeat described as imminent by the Daddy Baker group and all but assented to in acclamation by the world's scholarly foreign affairs punditry, underwent an epiphany of sorts and accepted the Sunni lifeline(replete with affiliations to the Muslim Brotherhood and the dreaded Salafis) that Saudi Prince Bandar offered in nebulous consort with Israel-- Choosing Victory, the idea which led to or at a minimum supported the Surge phenomenon, didn't have as its priority mission the decimation of the feeble self-imploding demies or their illusionary victory at last year's polls, but, point blank, did require the United States Forces to switch to the Sunni side of the mayhem adorned equation.....the sunny 90% side-- Not so cavalier a choice, mind you, considering that same Sunni side was and is still responsible for more than 90% of all American soldier casualties in Iraq-- This is a major defection impossible to understate but probably not the first time a major world leader of Decider status has taken his Navy and his Air Force and gone over to the other side-- Few Americans have any idea it has happened-- Probably even fewer in Congress-- Oh what tangled desperate webs we weave...

The Rubicon Bush now waits to cross is a full-scale aerial bombardment of Iran-- His Israeli and now Saudi handlers have convinced him that Iran is the new Dragon definitely in big urgent bold-faced need of slaying-- Iran's roughly half a million man standing army dwarfs the Saudi 75,000 and now that Iraq's army was virtually decimated by oblivion's Rumsfeld and his lackey Bremer, one can understand threadbare Saudi security hanging its bleep out in the breeze-- Hersh writes that the Saudis want Iran attacked but not by the US-- The duplicitous, or is it 'realist', Saudis want Israel to do the dirty deed because if the US does it the entire region will blame the Saudi Royals whereas if Israel wipes Iran off the face of earth the corrupt and degenerate Saudis can blame the degenerate and corrupt Zionists-- So if the vaunted Israeli Air Force wipes Ahmadinejad and his Shiite Mullahs off the proverbial map "vanishing from the pages of time" and if the Mahdi Army of Shia upstart Moqtada al-Sadr is 'taken out' by the Surge and the now US allied Sunnis capture Iranian oil fields and those in Iraq all financed by the Saudi oil revenue ....Voila!! .... Victory!! .... The New Middle East!!!.......Bush equals Churchill and the 3500 American Soldiers didn't die for nought-- Baby, you can drive my car, into the infinitude of cheap oil-- Such is fantasy............

Where Russian interests and where Chinese interests configure in all this should be a worrisome anti-dote but Reason is currently not coin-of-the-realm in this imbroglio-- Now that Bush has allied with the Sunni insurgency what happens if the alliance isn't returned??-- What if the insurgency decides to overthrow the unpopular Royalty and exile them to ill-repute in Las Vegas???-- And amidst all the questions surrounding this craven change of strategery, where do the hapless demies fit-- They are not even in the game-- They don't know what's going on-- They don't want to know-- Aipac is dealing their cards and doesn't want them to know-- All they've got left is Willy Loman's shoeshine and a smile--They may as well be watching American Idol-- They may very well be--- Hell's bells, ...........they may even apply to audition--

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