The new "1984" rendition portrays Hillary cunningly morphed into a less than telegenic, baby-boomers' Big Sister Nixon, droning cold empty platitudes about 'ideas' and 'conversations' to row upon row of her bench-seated, moronic, addled subjects all clothed in monotonous penal grey listening in various states of open-mouthed stupefaction until a sledgehammer-wielding female jogger being chased by giant gestapo-like super-Gothic-goons liberates the dust-coated drudges by smashing the over-sized iconic image with the heroine-hurled peen-- White light intense and mystical fills the screen until fade-out ends the political ad with a small leaf attached to a colorful capital O obviously supporting Obama while evoking the original Apple computer logo--
The blatherworld was agog with buzz from the phony to the ecliptic as inveterate detectives of every stripe sought solution to the mega-mystery-- Would the culprit be a has-been-esque Joe Klein or viperish repo-men in less than swift boats??-- Pundits proud of their tech-savvy pounced all over each other to be first in line to pronounce the old, stale, staid broadcast media ad formats DOA-- This revolutionary parody instantaneously altered campaign tactics everywhere for all time went the prattle and who knows maybe it has-- Vested interests in the corporate media echelons comfortably office-ed atop the wide world's skyscrapers cringe at the thought of important ground breaking political ads launched into the cyber-sphere free of charge!!!-- A world may be leaving them behind kind of fear that ripples up the spine sending wild fury to frolic like pin-balls inside atrophied over-comfortable brains-- Free radicals, almost,.......... sort of---
Most of the campaign funds raised by the grasping political candidates, who grovel over and over the rubber-chicken circuits, the boring stifling money-hunts called 'teas' or the perpetual glad-handing $1000 photo-op ordeals of modern campaigns, not to mention puckering up to the extended palm of ever-present AIPAC, enriches coporporate media coffers venue-ed by television advertising-- The candidates' payoff comes once they have established their fund-raiser, cash-cow bona fides to the satisfaction of corporate parameters, whose time-tested techniques enable these obsequious office hunters with state of the art Madison Avenue truth-stretching, bio-buffing, digital enhancing no-questions-asked blarney-- No one practiced this ambitious degeneration more skillfully, more smilingly or more ruthlessly than Big Sister Nixon's, of late, sometimes husband, Bill--
If this propagandistic juggernaut attempting to substitute perpetual campaign corruption for democracy and actual governing, the sorry current state of which is so damningly obvious, gets needled by freedom's practitioners at YouTube, so expletively-deleted what????-- Whine on!!!!--If the concerned citizen bloggers, pejoratively categorized as profane, vitriolic, acidic and even idealistic in the extreme at every opportunity by softened and nervous Broder-like insiders, continue to pilfer readership from the dwindling circulation of failing long-established print media, so expletively- deleted what???-- Whine on!!!!!-- The Baby Boomers' "old road is rapidly fading", to borrow from a once cherished boomer anthem-- Something is happening here and they don't know what it is, or, fearful of the admission, do they??-- The kindling of revolution may not be televised but the match may be cyber-struck by those still-decent American citizens--
Ariana Huffington has ferreted out the 'Hillary 1984' conjurer-- Not a repo-boater nor an al Qaeda symp nor an anonymous Rodham machine insider with ulterior motives-- Phillip de Vellis admitted to the dastardly deed done without Obama bin's input or anyone else's in a self penned blog at the Huff. Post today-- Incidentally, though, he did reportedly resign his position at Blue State Digital, a company created by members of............... Howard Dean's Internet Team????-- Oooooh!! The plot thickens.....-- Mr. deVellis did aver, "This ad was not the first citizen ad, and it will not be the last. The game has changed." Maybe it has but expectations kept to a minimum are those best managed when challenged by extant reality--
The 1984 Ad is damaging to the Mrs. Clinton machine not because Hillary kind of does her best to sometimes embody the ambitious power-hungry iconography of the top-down crypto-fascist but the whole episode shows her tech-savvy not just slightly behind the curve...... not at all unlike her coldly-scheming event-lagging plan for Iraq-- In fact, her so-called tech-savvy platitudes at campaign hustings come across as matronizing attempts to co-opt geekish voters through pandering insincerity-- She was beaten to the punch by '1984' and immediate attempts to reply at YouTube appeared, with barely concealed anger, amateurish and hackneyed if not completely self absorbed--
The more face-time Hillary receives on YouTube whether by her own megalomaniacal devices or by Obama bin surrogates or by independent politicos or the not so swift repo-boaters, the more her candidacy looks like the Spotted Owl-- Over-exposure lends itself to mockery and if the mockery reveals a thin-skinned or an imperious response behind the political facade, if the smiles betray even a hint of dis-ingenuousness, if an unwillingness to admit mistakes surfaces publicly, or if genuine humor fails them, credibility issues trouble their endeavors and they may seem doggedly incessant--
While the flesh-pressing fund-raising shake-downs last week in El A were especially fruitful for her old-hat status-quo bid, her campaign flaks and hacks find themselves in the unenviable position of having to constantly react to new events which seem to catch them by surprise-- Supporters from the demie-wing of Washington's War Party once believed to be firmly in her pocket are suddenly defecting, some with unmitigated invective--
Mortified by Maureen Dowd's publication of Media Mogul David Geffen's financial support for Obama which took second stage to his searing castigation of co-presidents Hillary and Bill's facile and repetitious penchant for outright lying-- This from the magisterial New York Times' columnist whose readership's organ endorsed Hillary's senatorial bid seemingly without reservation knowing full well she would opt to go AWOL from those senatorial obligations and seek the presidency full-time........... a full two years in advance of 08's election day--
Thirty years of active and, to a large extent, successful feminism is riding on Hillary and her long-in-the-tooth sojourn through the political arena-- Her ascension to the status of presidential candidate is plainly not enough-- In order to validate the multilateral efforts of millions of women to advance feminist theology over the last thirty years, the iconographic Hillary must win!!............ even if those voting hold little affection if any for her real self-- Chinks, though, have begun to appear in her political armor-- Watch her 'evil-men' speech again.....and then again-- Victory, even though more and more improbable, will not, however, assuage her pain nor vindicate her means-- She is not the beginning but the culmination of the feminist era--
Re-doubling efforts after forgetting the aim is common to all fanatics which is one reason the 1984 ad resonated so Hillary, it would have Bush-- The insider tales of ruthless shakedowns along the fundraising, phony photo-op-ing thirty-year climb are legion-- Masters of the 24-hour commitment, in this they are far from being alone, nor are they the first, but they are certainly among the best even if bragging rights are off limits-- Ambitious above all else, Theodore Dreiser could have penned her final act--
The blatherworld was agog with buzz from the phony to the ecliptic as inveterate detectives of every stripe sought solution to the mega-mystery-- Would the culprit be a has-been-esque Joe Klein or viperish repo-men in less than swift boats??-- Pundits proud of their tech-savvy pounced all over each other to be first in line to pronounce the old, stale, staid broadcast media ad formats DOA-- This revolutionary parody instantaneously altered campaign tactics everywhere for all time went the prattle and who knows maybe it has-- Vested interests in the corporate media echelons comfortably office-ed atop the wide world's skyscrapers cringe at the thought of important ground breaking political ads launched into the cyber-sphere free of charge!!!-- A world may be leaving them behind kind of fear that ripples up the spine sending wild fury to frolic like pin-balls inside atrophied over-comfortable brains-- Free radicals, almost,.......... sort of---
Most of the campaign funds raised by the grasping political candidates, who grovel over and over the rubber-chicken circuits, the boring stifling money-hunts called 'teas' or the perpetual glad-handing $1000 photo-op ordeals of modern campaigns, not to mention puckering up to the extended palm of ever-present AIPAC, enriches coporporate media coffers venue-ed by television advertising-- The candidates' payoff comes once they have established their fund-raiser, cash-cow bona fides to the satisfaction of corporate parameters, whose time-tested techniques enable these obsequious office hunters with state of the art Madison Avenue truth-stretching, bio-buffing, digital enhancing no-questions-asked blarney-- No one practiced this ambitious degeneration more skillfully, more smilingly or more ruthlessly than Big Sister Nixon's, of late, sometimes husband, Bill--
If this propagandistic juggernaut attempting to substitute perpetual campaign corruption for democracy and actual governing, the sorry current state of which is so damningly obvious, gets needled by freedom's practitioners at YouTube, so expletively-deleted what????-- Whine on!!!!--If the concerned citizen bloggers, pejoratively categorized as profane, vitriolic, acidic and even idealistic in the extreme at every opportunity by softened and nervous Broder-like insiders, continue to pilfer readership from the dwindling circulation of failing long-established print media, so expletively- deleted what???-- Whine on!!!!!-- The Baby Boomers' "old road is rapidly fading", to borrow from a once cherished boomer anthem-- Something is happening here and they don't know what it is, or, fearful of the admission, do they??-- The kindling of revolution may not be televised but the match may be cyber-struck by those still-decent American citizens--
Ariana Huffington has ferreted out the 'Hillary 1984' conjurer-- Not a repo-boater nor an al Qaeda symp nor an anonymous Rodham machine insider with ulterior motives-- Phillip de Vellis admitted to the dastardly deed done without Obama bin's input or anyone else's in a self penned blog at the Huff. Post today-- Incidentally, though, he did reportedly resign his position at Blue State Digital, a company created by members of............... Howard Dean's Internet Team????-- Oooooh!! The plot thickens.....-- Mr. deVellis did aver, "This ad was not the first citizen ad, and it will not be the last. The game has changed." Maybe it has but expectations kept to a minimum are those best managed when challenged by extant reality--
The 1984 Ad is damaging to the Mrs. Clinton machine not because Hillary kind of does her best to sometimes embody the ambitious power-hungry iconography of the top-down crypto-fascist but the whole episode shows her tech-savvy not just slightly behind the curve...... not at all unlike her coldly-scheming event-lagging plan for Iraq-- In fact, her so-called tech-savvy platitudes at campaign hustings come across as matronizing attempts to co-opt geekish voters through pandering insincerity-- She was beaten to the punch by '1984' and immediate attempts to reply at YouTube appeared, with barely concealed anger, amateurish and hackneyed if not completely self absorbed--
The more face-time Hillary receives on YouTube whether by her own megalomaniacal devices or by Obama bin surrogates or by independent politicos or the not so swift repo-boaters, the more her candidacy looks like the Spotted Owl-- Over-exposure lends itself to mockery and if the mockery reveals a thin-skinned or an imperious response behind the political facade, if the smiles betray even a hint of dis-ingenuousness, if an unwillingness to admit mistakes surfaces publicly, or if genuine humor fails them, credibility issues trouble their endeavors and they may seem doggedly incessant--
While the flesh-pressing fund-raising shake-downs last week in El A were especially fruitful for her old-hat status-quo bid, her campaign flaks and hacks find themselves in the unenviable position of having to constantly react to new events which seem to catch them by surprise-- Supporters from the demie-wing of Washington's War Party once believed to be firmly in her pocket are suddenly defecting, some with unmitigated invective--
Mortified by Maureen Dowd's publication of Media Mogul David Geffen's financial support for Obama which took second stage to his searing castigation of co-presidents Hillary and Bill's facile and repetitious penchant for outright lying-- This from the magisterial New York Times' columnist whose readership's organ endorsed Hillary's senatorial bid seemingly without reservation knowing full well she would opt to go AWOL from those senatorial obligations and seek the presidency full-time........... a full two years in advance of 08's election day--
Thirty years of active and, to a large extent, successful feminism is riding on Hillary and her long-in-the-tooth sojourn through the political arena-- Her ascension to the status of presidential candidate is plainly not enough-- In order to validate the multilateral efforts of millions of women to advance feminist theology over the last thirty years, the iconographic Hillary must win!!............ even if those voting hold little affection if any for her real self-- Chinks, though, have begun to appear in her political armor-- Watch her 'evil-men' speech again.....and then again-- Victory, even though more and more improbable, will not, however, assuage her pain nor vindicate her means-- She is not the beginning but the culmination of the feminist era--
Re-doubling efforts after forgetting the aim is common to all fanatics which is one reason the 1984 ad resonated so Hillary, it would have Bush-- The insider tales of ruthless shakedowns along the fundraising, phony photo-op-ing thirty-year climb are legion-- Masters of the 24-hour commitment, in this they are far from being alone, nor are they the first, but they are certainly among the best even if bragging rights are off limits-- Ambitious above all else, Theodore Dreiser could have penned her final act--
Labels: 1984 Ad, Big Sister Nixon, David Geffen, de Vellis, Dowd, Dreiser, Howard Dean, Huffington, Obama, Washington's War Party, YouTube
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