Friday, March 16, 2007


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi kowtowed to Israeli wishes and stripped any attempt to limit George Bush's authority to bomb Iran from a major military spending bill-- Bugling her retreat as if it would enhance bungling demie efforts to confront the administration on Iraq-- Fundraising demie presidential candidates feted recently by Aipac on special visits signaled to the whole party that they were going to hitch their political star to the Israeli ship and ride it right down to the bottom if necessary-- If the Israelis want Iran carpet bombed, so be it went the groveling!!-- There would be no challenges to the obviously failing orthodox in America's Foreign Policy even if utter and acute disaster be the outcome of the US' unholy alliance with this middle eastern pariah-- House demies buckled to the Aipac pressure and this bitter glaring failure will mark their souls--

What are we up to now, about 17 attempts for non-binding resolution opposing a Surge that actually began weeks ago-- If the tragedy in Iraq, millions of ordinary people thrust into an hellacious refugee nightmare consequential to the US invasion, were it not so sorrowful, the Abbot and Costello demie circus now passing itself off as a political party would be laughingly hysterical-- This feeble ineffectuality is not being lost on the American people-- In the coffee shops across the country an atmosphere of anxiety deepens denial's contagion-- Americans see the proliferation of prosthetic devices coming home to roost right there on main street-- Americans see that the Government can't take care of its own wounded soldiers and that resonates disgust everywhere-- Americans see the signs of foreclosures widely peppering their neighborhoods up and down both coasts and spreading tentacles into the Midwest and the South-- Americans see the government's engineers admittedly and knowingly sending defective pumps to aid New Orleans in shoring up endangered levees-- Americans see the value of the dollar diminishing rapidly with each new tank of gas-- Triumph is not the order of the day--

And triumph today the demies once again....... did not-- Repo leader McConnell once again bested the hapless Harry Reed-- Repetition of failure ala Bush/ there something in water in DC??-- The continuing saga of non-binding non resolute charades is the broken record on the eternal turntable of denial-- Iraq is beyond their control and Iran is off limits now as an issue with the veto threat of Bush and the campaign financial threat of AIPAC hanging over the demies like the proverbial sword of Damocles-- This leaves the frustrated demies rather threadbare on issues worthy of pursuit-- Oh now it appears they have a new word.........not resolution but resignation......not their own, but someone else's, anybody's-- Not just resignation but the call for resignation and the political possibilities the amplification of such call might engender in terms of sympathy-- Hey, even Harry gets it!!!--

Now the Hillary Clinton front page plan for Iraq in today's magisterial New York Times offered a couple of interesting quotes detailing why exhausted, overstretched American Troops would be staying in Iraq even after she ends the war-- Currently, that Iraq is fait accompli a failing state appears not to have gained any traction in her middle eastern paradigm-- If parts of Iraq turn into a failed state "that serves as a petri dish for insurgents and AlQaeda," she says, oblivious to the simple fact that Al Qaeda is not in Iraq because Iraq is failing but because American Troops are there and as for the insurgents, there weren't any....... before Shock and Awe showed up--

Now to the heart of the matter of why she would keep the troops there--" It is right in the heart of the oil region," she said, "It is directly in opposition to our interests, to the interests of regimes, to Israel's interests." Oil and Israel, there it is!!-- That Hillary is and has been a lapdog for Israeli interests is inarguable, and certainly there is no reason to dispute the obvious that oil is unquestionably of vital interest to the US-- So much so that in the aftermath of Shock and Awe that outside of the airport, the oil ministry held the singular honor of being the only building defended by US arms-- During Israel's insane aerial war against Lebanon last summer Hillary claimed the soldier sons of Israel are all sons of America now-- Israeli and American interests are now synonomous in Hillary's mind..... a position identical to George Bush-- Such an overt alliance forfeits the ability to act as an honest broker for peace and stability in the region--

Hillary wants the troops out of the urban warfare but indeed not out of Iraq yet here the viceroy hedges a bit, “But what we can do (italics mine) is to almost take a line sort of north of — between Baghdad and Kirkuk, and basically put our troops into that region,"-- Almost???......... Sort of????-- Is this not just a little on the side of half-baked??-- Up near Kirkuk is where the Kurds live-- They call it Kurdistan even when no one else does and they have been rather quiet during the largely Sunni insurgency against American troops-- They quickly cleansed their territory of non-desirables while the US pulled down Saddam's statue in front of 300 Baghdad bystanders-- Now they wait for the inevitable challenge to their proclaimed autonomy--

In this northern region there are large fields of oil to which the Kurds, in payback for Saddam's sins against them, have virtually laid deed claim-- Recently the general tribes of this Kurdistan got wind of some oil bill, stalled, again, in the Iraqi Parliament, that would divest their oil reserves of Kurdish ownership and give its title to foreign oil companies making those Kurdish tribals none too pleased by this upsetting revelation--Now the strategists of real politik would likely wager dollars to dimes the Kurds would contest violently not to mention skillfully and asymmetrically anyone attempting such a hostile takeover-- The main reason, in the first place, the Kurds have been so placid during the mayhem in central Iraq has been their unchallenged claim to this oil-- The map lined borders of the old Iraq are no longer agreed upon by all parties but Hillary's new line would send exhausted American young men and women into this waiting cauldron still within reach of Al Qaeda-- almost............ sort of!!!

As to the ongoing sectarian slaughter Hillary would delegate Americans to bystander status while the Sunni and the Shia continue to hammer and tong each other in the arts of murder-- “That may be inevitable,” she said. “And it certainly may be (if it may be, it cannot certainly be...mine) the only way to concentrate the attention of the parties.” American neglect of the situation, turning a blind eye to continuing sectarian cleansing has been boots on the ground fact for years, would somehow, at least in Hillary's mind, induce the Shia and Sunni warring zealots' obedience to the US??-- The Iraqi Security Forces are the most prolific death squads and ordinary Iraqis have given testament to this for years to anybody willing to listen-- Hillary may be leading in the demie primary polls but she still trails the real time events in Iraq-- Does this presidential contender believe the attention of these warring sects is lacking concentration-- Religious blood feuds for the unitiated have a way of excelling their focal points-- Wake Up, Mrs. Clinton!!!
They are just not listening to George, Hillary or the ineptitude of the demies-- And therein lies the frustration of the US and its unrecognized hubris-- People that should have kowtowed haven't-- While Hillary is lost in her potential power and messianic fantasia, "So it will be up to me to try to figure out how to protect those national security interests", Poor George put his..... hubris, that is, not national security interests,..... unwittingly on display across Latin America this week--Only the complicit media could spin positive this embarrassing sojourn not only through unquantifiably large anti-Washington DC protests but into an almost.....well, sort of,..... venture into irrelevancy as the newly elected rightist President of Mexico Senor Calderon felt compelled to mention the Lame Duck status of Mister Bush for all the world to hear and then compounded Bush's political weakness by pointedly refusing to jump on some faux bandwagon(coalition-of-the-mythic-willing) Bush trotted out to gain vague support against the rapid ascendance of the left throughout Latin America-- Talk about your Daddy's New World Order!!!!--Living on borrowed time and money, this American president has!! ..........Foreign Policy-- ...........................Good Day!!!--

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