Saturday, March 10, 2007


The frank admission that The FBI broke the law by violating the Patriot Act brought damage control flacks out of their slumber-- Outrage?-- Who really cares???-- Lawbreaker in Chief has made it more than habit to sign new legislation into law only to absolve himself from the jurisdiction of those laws while the outraged and aghast demie lawmakers mutter impotently-- Mister Bush had the feigned audacity to pledge swift action to clean up the new mess at the beleaguered agency insistently giving a vote of confidence to Hooverian Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Alberto Butch Gonzales who promised the mistake makers a tolerance free zone and "ordered the FBI and the department to restore accountability."--To whom????--Duck and Cover!!!!-- Obviously that means more US Attorneys will be summarily fired as well as a few more wounded Platoon Sergeants over at Walter Reed-- The echoes of this Saturday Morning Massacre muster little but spin in DC but reverberate through the pre-revolutionary political climate beginning to stir in the heartland--

Here comes demie Harry Bulldog Reid stepping back into the batter's box with a count of 'no balls! and two strikes' and the bases empty-- He whispers at the umpire, "It's about time someone in the Bush Administration has been held accountable for the campaign to manipulate intelligence and discredit war critics," but when the Umpire inquires of Reed his vote on the war Harry requests another time-out pleading for a lighter bat-- As if the dual US/Israeli citizen Scooter Boy Libby's recent conviction on perjury and obstruction of justice charges somehow exonerates the votes of those demies in the War Party-- The Umpire suggests the resin bag or some pine tar might help him get a grip--

Prosecutor Fitzgerald's reticence to indict either Big Boy Darth Cheney or little boy George Decider is an explicit challenge to the US Congress to perform its responsibilities, something not even within earshot of nor amenable to either party-- The courageous Fitzgerald stepped up long ago allowing both Bush and Cheney to go oathless, testifying without the legal burden of raising their right hand and swearing on the Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but...... Obviously, the President needed a coach's help that day but NOW Reed can't find the resin bag and the big lumber intimidates him into further delay while culprit Rove, having mysteriously bulked-up in the off-season, it seems, and having miraculously escaped an earlier indictment for his role in the Plame Affair now attempts to regain his once formidable grip in the White House-- It is quite likely the truth about the Plame Affair will never come to light but at least we know where the demies' pine-tar is hidden--

All of which, of course, begs the question as to why a reported (Jason Leopold sealed indictment never made it all the way to Rove's office and why Scooter Boy complained to his Overlord that Rove's smear-men were trying to set him, Libby, up, to make him take the fall, a complaint that triggered The Prez quote later lined-through in Cheney's evidentiary notes-- Rove himself garnered at least some aspect of grace from Fitzgerald who allowed Rove a self-initiated second and third attempt at testifying before the grand jury within the same time frame as the mysterious disappearance of the reported sealed-indictment-- No wonder the Vice-president explodes so vehemently and so frustratedly at the press of late-- Iraq and his once impassioned drive toward world triumph is coming apart and from his bunker of denial he now witnesses his Boy Friday Scooter cornered by fate into taking the fall for Mr Cheney, himself, and Mr Bush and Mr Rove and the ragged remnants of moral clarity-- Obviously, an indictment of Rove, whom Bush has trouble functioning without, would have brought the entire White House down, further aggravating the undoing of Shock and Awe as well as markets and alliances across the full face of the globe--

Cheer up, Scooter!!!-- Your Waterloo occurred inside the mahogany foxholes of marbled air-conditioned DC and not in the blinding dust and searing heat of an Iraq gone rabid-- A shrieking mayhem your lies enabled, facilitated and promoted where so far 3500 American men and women in life's prime have already taken their ultimate fall-- More tens of thousands of servicemen and service women wounded in this hideous nightmare, many of whom maimed for life are shuffled into and out of derelict Hospital facilities plagued with cockroach infestations and free roaming vermin--Certainly actions on your part succeeded in silencing and marginalizing patriotic opponents whose valiant integrity challenged the fraudulent intel of your Project for A New American Century which centered on violent upheaval in the Middle East-- Those actions deserve to be pondered and reflected upon from your room (it can't be referred to as a cell) located inside the dormitory not a cell-block) of your Federal Prison should your conviction and sentencing be carried out before the speculative Pardon allows your escape-- Look on the bright side-- You can practice your backhand on the Michael Milken Memorial tennis courts or play backgammon over a mint-julep with Duke Cunningham and Black Jack Abramoff-- We are supposed to pity you????

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