Iraq, April 2007, the increasing casualty count, absent the multiplication of deflective canards designed to deliver tactical delay for the many politicians fearful of facing the magnified facts of this foreign policy failure, simply does not bode very well for any indications of progress-- The highest monthly totals of the year, 104 American troops etched their obits into the eternal dust and scorching heat of the disintegrating country they were deployed, under false pretexts, to 'Liberate'-- Back in DC the finger-to-the-wind poseurs, we once called statesmen, don camouflage to divert the demand for immediate decisive action and the political repercussions such action tends to inflict, hiding behind Washington's latest amorphous verbal subterfuge-- The pathetic search for a less than myopic but calculatingly definable vector to the operative word of the day.... 'Progress'--
Ostensibly, once the behemoth-like nature of this semantic task is rendered neuter enough through focus-group-think, and not withstanding the internecine intra-mural bloodsport of the Re-election First-ers, the perennial candidate class, now busy un-busying their legislative schedules with the preeminent domain of mega-fund-raising and the sharpening of campaign brochure bona fides, will rise to the exigencies of the tremulous occasion and faithfully execute the incumbent responsibility they once so clamorously sought without postponement of the inevitable, but, again, almost no one in the blather-sphere is confidently raising any such hopeful expectations-- Deadlining, more than likely though speciously unspecified, the end of September as a sufficient enough time frame to deduce the practical parameters of this noun/verb, its descriptive veracity applicable to The Surge in Iraq and how it then plays in both Baghdad and Peoria, this August Body and its once esteemed reputation will supposedly, point blank, be on the line leading to responsible moral action-- Recent pollsters, though, have delineated a sharp downward plunge American confidence in their government has lately taken, lamentably spelling out an almost equal lack of faith with regard to both Congress and the President...... a benchmark few media members want to mention and certainly one no phony Surge appears capable of eclipsing--
The relentless insurgency in Iraq (record high car-bombs in March and April) still controls tempo and terrain of its own choosing and continues to demonstrate tactical adaptability that wins grudging but surprising respect from American Troops and their Commanders on the ground-- The one benchmark assiduously proposed by Bush and American pols as a barometer to the efficacy of the elected Iraqi government now looks dead in the water-- The most relatively contented or seemingly pacific element of all the disparate raging Iraqi groups, The Kurds, have vowed to kill the Oil Bill languishing in parliament-- DC-time Cheney and Baghdad-time Al Malicki seem paradigmatically incapable of resolving any of their important differences--If the slogan 'Iraqi Oil for Iraqi People' catches fire among the disparate groups and general population, look out!!!!--- Already $10 billion(US) a month down the drain, we know whose time is getting shorter--
Sooner or later the worthless demies have to see that two of their probabilities have similar potential for the effective smearing of of their own demie self-esteem-- Living in abject fear they will be forced by meanie smear-man Rove to take the false blame for "losing" Iraq either now or in 2008 after the White House dribbles out the time clock and shuffles off into the Churchillian sunset, the demies appear as paralytic as the imploding White House-- If the demies even with the attendant difficulties manage to summon enough courage(and this is no doubt a major major 'if') to end the war presently, all of next year remains available to change the terms of debate for 2008 elections-- Wait until 'o8 and the repo-men can slander the demies with losing a war bequeathed to them a fraction shy of the victory the Repo architects of this tragedy sought-- So, demies, sometimes practical political advantages are bound into courageous stands but the stands, the outcomes of which are forever beyond our control, must be taken-- Damned if you do or damned if you don't, why not opt for the right thing????-- Now!!!!!--
Ostensibly, once the behemoth-like nature of this semantic task is rendered neuter enough through focus-group-think, and not withstanding the internecine intra-mural bloodsport of the Re-election First-ers, the perennial candidate class, now busy un-busying their legislative schedules with the preeminent domain of mega-fund-raising and the sharpening of campaign brochure bona fides, will rise to the exigencies of the tremulous occasion and faithfully execute the incumbent responsibility they once so clamorously sought without postponement of the inevitable, but, again, almost no one in the blather-sphere is confidently raising any such hopeful expectations-- Deadlining, more than likely though speciously unspecified, the end of September as a sufficient enough time frame to deduce the practical parameters of this noun/verb, its descriptive veracity applicable to The Surge in Iraq and how it then plays in both Baghdad and Peoria, this August Body and its once esteemed reputation will supposedly, point blank, be on the line leading to responsible moral action-- Recent pollsters, though, have delineated a sharp downward plunge American confidence in their government has lately taken, lamentably spelling out an almost equal lack of faith with regard to both Congress and the President...... a benchmark few media members want to mention and certainly one no phony Surge appears capable of eclipsing--
The relentless insurgency in Iraq (record high car-bombs in March and April) still controls tempo and terrain of its own choosing and continues to demonstrate tactical adaptability that wins grudging but surprising respect from American Troops and their Commanders on the ground-- The one benchmark assiduously proposed by Bush and American pols as a barometer to the efficacy of the elected Iraqi government now looks dead in the water-- The most relatively contented or seemingly pacific element of all the disparate raging Iraqi groups, The Kurds, have vowed to kill the Oil Bill languishing in parliament-- DC-time Cheney and Baghdad-time Al Malicki seem paradigmatically incapable of resolving any of their important differences--If the slogan 'Iraqi Oil for Iraqi People' catches fire among the disparate groups and general population, look out!!!!--- Already $10 billion(US) a month down the drain, we know whose time is getting shorter--
Sooner or later the worthless demies have to see that two of their probabilities have similar potential for the effective smearing of of their own demie self-esteem-- Living in abject fear they will be forced by meanie smear-man Rove to take the false blame for "losing" Iraq either now or in 2008 after the White House dribbles out the time clock and shuffles off into the Churchillian sunset, the demies appear as paralytic as the imploding White House-- If the demies even with the attendant difficulties manage to summon enough courage(and this is no doubt a major major 'if') to end the war presently, all of next year remains available to change the terms of debate for 2008 elections-- Wait until 'o8 and the repo-men can slander the demies with losing a war bequeathed to them a fraction shy of the victory the Repo architects of this tragedy sought-- So, demies, sometimes practical political advantages are bound into courageous stands but the stands, the outcomes of which are forever beyond our control, must be taken-- Damned if you do or damned if you don't, why not opt for the right thing????-- Now!!!!!--
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