The architect of the undermanned invasion of Iraq has fallen from his prestigious position at The World Bank-- The unsavory groveling he employed to extend his current directorial rein embarrassed his patrons in the White House and distracted their daily focus from the mega-exigencies wrought by the continued failure to tamp down the incessant violence countrywide in Iraq-- Wolfie's graceless exit ended a troubled tenure in such a wretched manner no one would be sorry to see the sullied little worm go-- One more sullen demoralizing episode illuminating the ongoing loss of American influence in the big global picture--
The White House crew under bigboys Rove and Cheney smelled a paranoid conspiracy of liberal bankers (how more oxymoronic can they be?) full bore intent on punishing The White House via Wolfie for the grandiosely misbegotten Neocon strategy of remaking the Middle East through coercive gunfire-- To effect such a scenario the financially important world institution would opt to subvert its own inner daily workings in order to provide the arrogant Wolfewitzie enough rope to hoist himself to the rafters-- Once this was so deftly achieved the world mission of the Bank would be benched in some strange limbo while the Bank's board would devote its primary energy to management of the attendant media circus Wolfie would attempt to orchestrate to his advantageous survival-- All that only if your viewpoint mirrors Dick and Karl-- Wolfie's final gambit a pathetic schoolboy delusion to save unrepentant face-- His integrity tattered and diminished beyond repair he pleads with The Board whimpering this sleazy calculus: If you just tell them I did nothing wrong I will leave--
The White House now closes ranks once again as the once powerfully inept inner circle of Shock and Awe diminishes even further-- Two architects of the efficacy of aggressive eternal war, two major players in this criminal enterprise, have thrown in the towel this week-- Tony Blair's farewell fantasy tour extended its nostalgic air of egregious unreality into the Bush White House to say Tally-ho while Wolfewitzie chose humiliation over grace for his demeaning manner of exit-- The mood in the administration can't be aglow as odds-makers now consider Attorney General Gonzalez, whose top three or four deputies have also resigned, fair game for the next to depart-- The odds on Wolfie now portend ...... you guessed it......mega book deal as payoff where one would fruitlessly hope he would address his famous Salon magazine quote stipulating WMD's to have been a canard in the first place, the purpose to which, forcibly allowing US troops access to Iraq and its oil fields-- One suspects a facile vain refusal to face up to his own complicity since neither direct nor implied mea culpas find any solace of honor or,indeed, even punishment in the coin of today's realm-- Ask George Tenet!!!!--
At the twilight of the Conservative Epoch a litany of casualties sours the once powerfully prophetic and political battlefield-- When a championship caliber team sees through the dream of victory and realizes its fortunes will not be favored in the Big Game's outcome, out comes the finger pointing and the blame sayers and retreating die hards plot sick revenge-- Across the blathersphere the cacophony of anger, denial, and retribution only spells out the impending collapse of the order-- The Pharasaic Fallen reads like a list of Who's Who? from the halcyon days of Reagan's Morning in America-- Bennett, the gambler; Limbaugh, the designer-drug addict; Powell, the liar; DeLay, the hammer; Abramoff the bribester; Cunningham, the bribed; Pastor Ted and Jimmy Swaggert, Congressmen Foley and Jefferson, Coach Hastert, Armey, Gingrich, Lieberman, Kissinger, Perle, Tenet, Wolfewitz, Rumsfeld, Blair, Bremer, Franks, Gonzalez, Clinton, Abrams, Libby, Adelman, Kerry, Olmert, Peretz, Halutz, Rice, Lott, Gore, Falwell........... The blade next waits on Bush and Cheney........
Nancy Pelosi is only now calling for the administration to be held accountable for conduct surrounding the Iraq debacle-- Since this cannot possibly be true might it, at least, be factual??-- Yahoo quoted her as saying "Nothing is off the table."-- Does this mean......?-- No, of course, not!!!-- The demies still lack cajones enough to pass the minimum wage bill-- But clearly visible to most any cognizant observer is the utter implosive atmosphere surrounding this administration and the entire infected echelon-- The air of resignation hangs oppressively over DC and the ineffectual demies cannot muster enough force to fill the vacuum much less prevent themselves from being sucked down into the swirling morass themselves-- Even Bush weakened returns their flimsy serve in a match neither can save themselves from losing-- As much as they petulantly dislike to be reminded of the harsh discomforting fact, they, too, voted....... For the War!!--
No one seems sorry to see him go
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Labels: Blair, Bush, Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, resignation, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Wolfewitz, world bank
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