Thursday, June 14, 2007


After all the bold promises of military support from Mr. Bush and Mr. Olmert for the weak and now crumbling Mahmoud Abbas-led Fatah gang, the final buffer between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza arena, push led to shove and both the Israelis and the US reneged, allowing Fatah to suffer an abject and brutal rout-- Hamas wins a decisive victory and the tattered flag of US Foreign Policy flutters in an ominous wind, all spin aside, taking another one on the neocon chin-- The blowback results of having voided the democratic election results 18 months ago which swept Hamas into power are now quite visible even to the most ardent proponents of Denial as a cornerstone of US Strategery--

Fatah leaders and commanders in Gaza are running for their lives while their besieged and out-gunned foot soldiers, drained of ammunition, surrender in droves-- Fatah's upper caste senior politicos bemoaned the fate of their loyalists in Gaza from the splendor of Swiss Hotels or their mansions in Kuwait-- Abbas, once only an apprentice to Arafat style corruption, and his trembling coterie sat the battle out, cushioned in Ramallah far away-- Clearly the sad strategy of attempting to buy local sycophants and install them into positions of faux power and puppetry has not produced anything resembling optimum results-- Not even close!! The corrupt may be allowed wear the 'moderate' mantel but made weak by the very corruption that enriches them almost always leads to the bitter fruits of downfall and, in this case, extremely violent downfall-- No one should weep for Fatah or its benefactors--

The official Gaza Police force, 18,000 men strong and whose relatively fat paychecks have been signed by Abbas, failed to join the fray and did not defend the Abbas crew-- Half a hundred or more of Abbas' palace guard, The Elite, apparently dynamited an escape hatch into the Israeli Wall fleeing certain death for further political vagaries in the safety of Egypt-- None of this can be spun dishonestly away-- US foreign policy, now ragged and disheveled beyond credibility, sits dejected in stunned disbelief, its influence rapidly fading-- One more chink in the armor of American confidence in its flailing government--

The brilliantly incompetent Ehud Olmert, forever intent on keeping Abbas (in mirror-image-like fashion) strong enough to survive in lavish insecurity but weak enough not to win, refused US requests to rush fresh stocks of weapons to their besieged Partnership for Peace for fear the guns and ammo would ultimately fall into the hands of Hamas- Instead of warehoused weaponry Hamas appears to have gained the entire Gaza Strip while Olmert has to settle for a slap-on-the-wrist appointment back of the diplomatic woodshed in DC next week-- With allies like Olmert who needs enemies??--The losing streak continues--

Meanwhile the futile policy of the US now focuses on cutting massive aid to Gaza's civilian poor somewhere in the neighborhood of a million and a half people as if starvation will pimp them away from Hamas just as ancient persecution of the Christian poor and the strength they derived from their religious faith ultimately saved Rome-- "We are fighting for our faith," one Hamas spokesman explained to a radio interviewer, "and Fatah are fighting for their salaries. That is why we will win."-- History's lesson's repeated almost verbatim in the vacuum induced hubris--

Options, once more, have become quite limited, to understate the imagination- challenged State Department-- Bush, it appears, wants Abbas to play the Dictator card rendering the power-sharing agreement with victorious Hamas null and void coupled to a dismissal of the entire government-- Obviously an option open to consideration already in gloomy currency of the Bushies' present mental state should the DC echelon itself fall into remotely tantamount disrepair (caveat, being, of course, the spineless demies have capitulated so far so fast their opposition to such an overt power grab is pretty much moot already)-- But how many repeated defeats can the DC foreign policy establishment sustain without that disrepair happening??-- Events on the ground continue to, with alarming and pervasive frequency, controvert every new plan, project, proclamation and milestone coming out of the DC spin-machines--

The fear now is that if Hamas the de facto victor in Gaza fails in Governance 101 the only alternative open to the Palestinians' poor, their tired and huddled masses would be, not the Statue of Liberty, but Al Qaeda-- So much for punishing dis-affected Palestinian folk fed up with the forty year occupation as a cover-up for the blatant failure of Israel and its client, Mr. Abbas--
To the rescue, ala Michael Dukakis' ill-conceived tank sojourn down mainstreet attired in virile khaki and a hideous leather skullcap, comes the mealy apostle of positive progress everywhere in Iraq, the demie-traitor Senator Lieberman, clad in a kevlar vest and chin-strapped tight under a steel pot with another mindless canard to deflect from the ugly results on the ground in Iraq as well as Gaza proposing to ....... You guessed it ..... Bomb Iran!!

Bitter fruit, indeed!!!!

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