Tuesday, June 05, 2007


The security crackdown came to Baghdad last February under the fabricated guise of 'Choosing Victory'-- A think tank policy paper devised at the American Enterprise Institute as a reality-challenged substitute for the 'defeatist' tenets believed by Neocon fantasists to be embodied in the now infamous Daddy Baker Group's proposal to the president acknowledging the complete inefficacy of military solution and the primary necessity for diplomatic discussions with Iraq's region-wide neighbors for the purposes of 'securitizing' what we managed to 'de-secure' by military invasion followed by under-manned and under-armored occupation, namely the now former State of Iraq--

Who anywhere thinks The Surge is effectively altering the disintegrating course of action in Iraq in a positive manner besides prevaricating lapdog careerists and over-exposed presidential campaigners?-- Once more the Ziocons run for the cover their air-conditioned mahogany bunkers as their lamentably out of touch plans explode in their face-- The Surge never had a chance in the real time dust and heat on the murdering ground of real, not think-tank, Iraq-- Certainly not without a full complement of troops and materiel necessary to fully staff and employ the logistical tactics of what a military surge is realistically deemed capable of fully achieving operationally--

Who isn't sick of being told by careering flaks there are plenty of opportunities and mega plenty of hopeful signs indicating a, caveat employed, cautious optimism??--Apparently, three or four months into Choosing Victory the embarrassing evidence delineates problems potentially fatal in their overall ramifications-- Enlisted Naval and Air Force personnel are now basically being emergency-conscripted into shake and bake training for ground combat roles to meet the serious shortfall of troops-- Into the Anbar valley go the six hundred-- Their deaths will buy time for an administration, too cowardly to face its own failure, intent on dumping their mess in the lap of the next administration--

How many double digit days of American KIA's does it take to tally up the true score??-- How many days between now and September can greet the restive American public with grim stats like 'Fourteen More US Dead Over Last Weekend--How is it the feeble demies living in abject fear of being accused of lack of troop support are too cowardly to point out how the administration actually sent, and did so repeatedly, our young sons and daughters into the shrieking bitch of mortal combat without that full complement of men and materiel??-- Both sides of the aisle have sent, and continue to send, American troops into the maelstrom of war without materiel support necessary to insure full combat protection and performance--

Parents of combatants had to buy, out of their own pockets, body armor for their own sons and daughters so cavalierly inserted into harm's way by DC's War Party and are only now informed the armor they were directed by the Defense Department to purchase is defective-- Only now being informed there isn't enough financial support from congress and the president to insure top flight medical care for their wounded sons and daughters at the nations military hospitals-- America is belatedly realizing 'They go to War with the leadership they have and not they would like to have'-- Hopefully, they are not overly thrilled about this-- Sooner or later they will be tasked by the rigors of history to actually do something about it--

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