Thursday, June 21, 2007


Less than a week after Fatah's decisive defeat in Gaza at the hands of Hamas, the Israeli PM Ehud(3%) Olmert weasled his way to DC in a craven attempt to first burnish his gravely debilitated image as a world leader with a White House armchair photo-op, oleaginously pliant beside the ever smarmy and upbeat Lame Duck, and, second, to seriously brainstorm the remote possibility of some truly effective solution or, rather, salvation in the face of such an ignominiously repetitive and sinister dalliance among too many ostensibly irredeemable defeats with an American President nearly devoid of most real contact to events occurring daily in the intractable Middle East--
As for Fatah's diminished leader, joining Al Malicki and Al Musharrif as the leading candidates for the moniker of Dead Man Walking should proceed quite effortlessly for the old corrupt Arafat protege, Mahmoud Abbas-- Siphoning off his superbly banal luxury from the suffering of his own people, to a degree that would even make Saddam blush, (remember, the Palestinians have no oil wealth) guarantees him many angry enemies among even earnest members of his own (or is it, former?)Palestinian Authority, not to mention, of course,the lost confidence swimming behind the uproarious mirth of official spin being spewed from DC these days--
Last summer Mr. Bush pronounced Israel the winner of the war in Lebanon and nearly no one in the mainstream media challenged the cogency of this absurd reading of events-- The imaginary world community that now hoists sudden passionate toasts to support a third rate loser on life- supports so busy callously dissolving his peoples' government and establishing a new emergency coalition(?) devoted to his continuance of power on the West Bank as if he were the grand victor of a new era, appears outrightly delusional or simply a reflection of the DC belief that no good options to this futile situation exist-- More 'Birth Pangs' of a new Middle East??--

The so-called International Community has a world view that quite frankly is not being corroborated by ground level facts-- Mis-perception shared at the fundamental paradigmatic level can do serious disservice to any and all member nation-states but such disorientation coupled with acknowledged and deliberate prevarication for the purposes of unenlightened and unaccountable self-interest(political survival)only leads to the further decimation of Civilization-- The mirage that Abbas and his dysfunctional organization remain viable players in Mr. Bush and Mr. Olmert's Middle Eastern swan song cripples the chance for any positive outcomes-- Fatah is now fractured into groups and ministries bent on their own survival but as an aggregate entity for Palestinian advancement as a whole it is beyond repair-- An unsavory fact that no belated amount of weaponry and dollars from either worried Saudi slush funds or selfirighteous Israeli duplicity can alter--
That 'moderate' Abbas, the freshly deposed de facto warden of the prison Gaza has become, and his crony police cravenly reside in the pocket of the Bush/Olmert tandem is plainly not being misperceived across the Middle East and most of the world, while the clock continues to tick on the mis-begotten crusader State of Israel and the completely misguided occupation of Iraq by its Benefactor in DC-- History of a fatal nature at its own pace working against weak leaders and not exactly, for a country whose life-style fancies itself as non-negotiable, very pretty--
Mr. Bush is now hostage to a crisis sired by his first term hands-off neglect, a situation allowed to fester into acute gangrenous failure-- While Al Qaeda was capably answering his call to 'Bring it on' with gravely unpalatable audacity and actions indicating, regardless of the intensity of Shock and Awe, a raw heedlessness toward our deterrent capability, Mr. Bush was inclined to turn a blind eye to the Palestinian problems unleashing the full brunt and force of the vaunted Israeli Defense Forces to settle the score once and for all-- Like Iraq, it didn't quite work out so well and the desperation, frustration and murder visited upon millions of terrified middle eastern families and refugees will continue to both haunt and serve as an ongoing violent anti-dote to the criminal foreign policy of Mr. Bush and Mr. Olmert--

The Yahoo headline yesterday morning read Twelve US Soldiers Killed in Iraq but before the story could play itself out two more soldiers were added to the grim tally-- Today a top American commander states that Iraq forces will not be able to hold territory American troops have recently cleared of insurgents or Al Qaeda until next spring-- American troops are capable of holding their own and actually defeating insurgents, one assumes, as a result of training requirements, for arguments sake, lasting in the vicinity of a year-- It does not seem to this observer that lack of training or lack of will are the paramount reasons for the Iraqi troop failure-- They fail because the other side (those Mr. Bremer via Mr. Rumsfeld didn't want working for the coalition) is more committed to their cause, because they are more skillful and adept at their style of warfare, and because they are fighting for their lives and faith and not simply an American paycheck-- It is difficult to see this situation being altered by spring'08 or even '09-- The longer the battle-ready Iraq insurgents are able to inflict casuality and stalemate the American Occupation the more the most inhospitable elements of other Middle Eastern nations will increase the confidence necessary to challenge their own long in the tooth rulers and defy our troops--
The bitter pill this road leads to, at the end of all these unnecessary postponements and contrived delays and outrightly false pronouncements, is, ultimately, to an acknowledgement of defeat and, until this happens, there can never be a new beginning-- The manhood required to make such solemn and difficult decisions is currently, very much, missing in action in DC--

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