Tuesday, July 10, 2007


If The Surge was designed to provide increased security to the citizens of Iraq in hopes of winning their hearts and minds, political leaders of both sectarian stripes responsible for the lion's share of hideous mayhem, the Shiite and the Sunni, voted against the efficacy of that Surge by telling everyday Iraqi citizens to arm themselves because none of the competing military organizations in the killing zones are capable of defending or protecting the citizen non-combatants and the onus for their defense is now on them--

The level of explosive savagery over the weekend dwarfed the smiley face news American strategists had been hoping to spin in the administration's upcoming progress report mandated for July 15-- Various reports detail the effects Senior Republican Senators, defecting from Bush's tired old stay-the-course saw are having on the beleaguered White House crew--An atmosphere of panic appears to be setting-in around the oval office-- Spokesman Snow is frantically opting for complete categorical denial as his spin maneuver when asked about sharply ongoing debates concerning revised strategery and tactical alternatives to the continuing disintegration of the Iraqi state and the ever increasing proliferation of car bomb attacks-- Political operative Rove in a petulant huff refused to offer any apology for the war gone wrong-- No, he did not say he was 'out of the loop'--

When the Iraqis do take over security operations they will do so with an army and a police force rife with insurgent infiltrators-- Small militias have been absorbed into Iraqi forces and are never punished for their considerable atrocities-- American troops are in a severely thankless position/task of having to train groups of temporarily neutral insurgents who will never be loyal to America-- Sectarian violence and anti-occupation operations pandemic in Baghdad and central Iraq are missing from the British situation in Basra where after a dose of surge from the Royal British Imperial grunts the situation resumed itself featuring 'systematic misuse of official institutions, political assassination, tribal vendettas, neighborhood vigilantism,' all mixed together with mafioso criminals posing as arbiters of political action-- Should Baghdad's irate sectarian tempers ever becalm or dissipate would Basra's chaotic troubles be reproduced there in the extreme-- Non sectarians are not immune from exacting vows of vengeance amidst an everyday reality the paralytic White House refuses to perceive--

This is not wonderful-- General Petraeus is now talking decade length commitments to deal with the insurgency alone-- Those now serving are in danger of becoming indentured slave-warriors with death as the escape hatch-- How many more troops will the ten year tactic require and from where will they magically appear??-- How much of their grand-children's money and future will be drained away in this process-- Once the insurgency has been defeated out there somewhere beyond the tenth year will the Iraqis who are still standing and breathing even remember anything about governmental institutions and the necessary logistics to effect and engineer a functioning 21st Century nation??-- Redoubling efforts after having forgotten the aim is the uniform of the fanatic and Mr. Bush still revels in the calling--

Iraq is in disorder at its most radical zenith and ordinary moderate Iraqis must now prepare to use murder as a routine means of self-defense-- Every life is now improvidently endangered and they have all been warned-- This is not a situation where Rosy Scenario much less Victory is just around the corner, where two more weeks or months of surge can elicit anything proximate to civilization from a barbarian mad mega-slaughter-- Every milestone gained by Mr Bush's strategery has gained positive hype from most mainstream cheerleading media countrywide only to meet explosive disavowal from an insurgent resistance replete with many disparate guerrilla capabilities-- Expect more aggressive detonations should Bush and Petraeus portray progress from the cordite-scented facts on the ground come September--

Let's be adamantly clear and direct here-- Failure to stop extremism is extreme failure-- And failure to face up to failure has the potential to destroy our country-- Demand the Honor and the Courage missing in extremis from our leaders-- Only by facing our fall head-on can we then rise from its ashes--

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