Mr. Bush desperately pleads a threadbare case for his Surge supported all around by Neocon sycophants extolling the moderate success achieved in Anbar Province temporarily utilizing Sunni Tribal groups tenuously allied to US troops in an effort to combat Al Qaeda in Iraq-- Still a lethally earnest number, attacks have dropped by nearly 50% to around 26/day in the largely homogeneous Sunni region but Neocon dream-tank pundits and poseurs around the blather-sphere extrapolate much too simplistically from this unique alliance a template of tide-turning success which will rescue the inefficacy of the under-manned Surge countrywide and lead to the wild possibility of miraculous Victory--
To issue such craven nostrums in vain attempt to secure phantom success only prolongs the agony of all those touched by the mad fire of this fiasco-- The positive side-effect to this inchoate spin is to ultimately dodge historical judgement and condemnation for their haughty role in the slaying and criminal dismemberment of Iraq and to do so for as long as possible-- Never mind that such fictive constructs shield only the frightened purveyor and his vanity from the commonly obvious-- It is quite understandable, to say the least, as who amongst the status-competitive elites actually craves going down in history as an irredeemable loser or a pre-meditative war criminal-- The most amiable tactic, and quite often the most futile, to usually surface from the commingling of such fear and perverse pride is the proverbial grasping for nearest available straw-- Desperate in the extreme and void of any honor the incapacity of facing up to and accepting the responsibility for the insensate damage and hellacious suffering they have inflicted upon thousands of innocent people escapes these innocuous ideologues and drives the most bogus of their alternatives..... Salvaging faux reputations-- Hail, Mary, full of grace.......--
In this time of patently visible political debility, Mr. Bush finds himself in the unfortunate and certainly unenviable position of now having to find fortitude enough to fend off the incredibly deranged overtures coming from the bloated and frustrated Vice President, Mr. Cheney, .............. to bomb Iran!!!!-- The urge to change the subject from the ongoing disintegration in Iraq to another venue offering last chance victory options for a moribund political echelon would be sorely tempting especially with the fanatical and omnipresent chortling of apple-polishing AIPAC toadies like Mr. Kristol, Mr. Krauthammer, the Kagan clan and, of course, the mealy mongering Mr. Lieberman all of whose delusional epistles, uttered wildly into the militant mix of despair like Hitchcock-ian mad harpies, only wind up grating hysterically on the exposed nerve of nearly everyone in the extant world--
Bombing Iran may appear like salvation to those whose political tenure, the ineffable lineage of sequentially incompetent failure, offers no legislative ransom but only sullen deadlock-- Bleakly it seeps away with clock-like inevitability while the parade of desertion from its officers offers absolutely no positive prospects for posterity in the tortuous time remaining-- Warned that an aerial attack on Iran may easily backfire on and, worst case scenario, destroy Western Civilization's economy and influence globally but, hey, one sardonic benefit to such a perilous side-effect would be to shut the traps of those idiot shrews mentioned above-- Does Mr. Bush bear backbone enough to buck Mr. Cheney??-- It doesn't appear to be the case attendant the Libby commutation-- Time will tell--
The multiplication of murder and the massive explosions in the northern city of Kirkuk yesterday offers stark antidote to the vague canards of success offered by the White House in recent days-- While 80% of remaining Iraqis lack access to sanitation facilities, insurgents there possess the ability to strike any and everywhere inside the disintegrating country and in the not too distant future insurgents in Pakistan may possess such redundant capability themselves-- The Turks not just idly rattling sabers are gathering good numbers of troops on the northern border-world of Iraq with, perhaps, an eye toward the oil fields, but in terms of real politik, The Turks really cannot afford homage to the Rosy Scenario whore being pimped by Neocon dream-tanks devoid of logistical reality and praying for time-- American aims, most acutely those critical to the survival of Iraq, continue to go unrealized and the Turks, who are not afraid to actually ascertain and act on such intel, exercise their courage in preparation--
Positing fairy tale as fact prevents alternative policy plans from being postulated and possibly implemented but beyond the dubious pretense of smiley-face optimism comes the Grim Reaper and his roster of freshly dead spent to sustain such fictional folly-- The specter of Tet raises a reminder to stew minds besieged by the rumors of catastrophe and the demoralization attendant DC's spin crews-- Reports now circulating suggest General Petraeus is seeking an immediate alternative policy direction away from the failed tactical strategy of Bush's Surge-- Wasting precious time until September is not a viable option on the killing grounds of Iraq-- The pro-Surge pundit-ocracy is apparently busy defending a position no longer applicable asking for time no longer available-- A step and a half behind events, reactive before pro-active, coming in on a wing and a prayer-- Hard landing awaits--
Alluding constantly to future chaos, rampant bloodletting and mindless vengeance that would attend withdrawal of American Troops allows the unconcerned to ignore the degree to which this insidious mayhem and collapse already exists as a direct result of the initial Occupation and an ongoing response to the vagaries of its unplanned operations-- That both the White House and the Congress either cannot perceive this or simply opt to ignore it through rhetorical charades and the omnipresent art of plausible deniability is testimony to the bankrupt venality and self-serving vacuity of posturing US leadership and it bodes ominously for the stability of our imminent future--
To issue such craven nostrums in vain attempt to secure phantom success only prolongs the agony of all those touched by the mad fire of this fiasco-- The positive side-effect to this inchoate spin is to ultimately dodge historical judgement and condemnation for their haughty role in the slaying and criminal dismemberment of Iraq and to do so for as long as possible-- Never mind that such fictive constructs shield only the frightened purveyor and his vanity from the commonly obvious-- It is quite understandable, to say the least, as who amongst the status-competitive elites actually craves going down in history as an irredeemable loser or a pre-meditative war criminal-- The most amiable tactic, and quite often the most futile, to usually surface from the commingling of such fear and perverse pride is the proverbial grasping for nearest available straw-- Desperate in the extreme and void of any honor the incapacity of facing up to and accepting the responsibility for the insensate damage and hellacious suffering they have inflicted upon thousands of innocent people escapes these innocuous ideologues and drives the most bogus of their alternatives..... Salvaging faux reputations-- Hail, Mary, full of grace.......--
In this time of patently visible political debility, Mr. Bush finds himself in the unfortunate and certainly unenviable position of now having to find fortitude enough to fend off the incredibly deranged overtures coming from the bloated and frustrated Vice President, Mr. Cheney, .............. to bomb Iran!!!!-- The urge to change the subject from the ongoing disintegration in Iraq to another venue offering last chance victory options for a moribund political echelon would be sorely tempting especially with the fanatical and omnipresent chortling of apple-polishing AIPAC toadies like Mr. Kristol, Mr. Krauthammer, the Kagan clan and, of course, the mealy mongering Mr. Lieberman all of whose delusional epistles, uttered wildly into the militant mix of despair like Hitchcock-ian mad harpies, only wind up grating hysterically on the exposed nerve of nearly everyone in the extant world--
Bombing Iran may appear like salvation to those whose political tenure, the ineffable lineage of sequentially incompetent failure, offers no legislative ransom but only sullen deadlock-- Bleakly it seeps away with clock-like inevitability while the parade of desertion from its officers offers absolutely no positive prospects for posterity in the tortuous time remaining-- Warned that an aerial attack on Iran may easily backfire on and, worst case scenario, destroy Western Civilization's economy and influence globally but, hey, one sardonic benefit to such a perilous side-effect would be to shut the traps of those idiot shrews mentioned above-- Does Mr. Bush bear backbone enough to buck Mr. Cheney??-- It doesn't appear to be the case attendant the Libby commutation-- Time will tell--
The multiplication of murder and the massive explosions in the northern city of Kirkuk yesterday offers stark antidote to the vague canards of success offered by the White House in recent days-- While 80% of remaining Iraqis lack access to sanitation facilities, insurgents there possess the ability to strike any and everywhere inside the disintegrating country and in the not too distant future insurgents in Pakistan may possess such redundant capability themselves-- The Turks not just idly rattling sabers are gathering good numbers of troops on the northern border-world of Iraq with, perhaps, an eye toward the oil fields, but in terms of real politik, The Turks really cannot afford homage to the Rosy Scenario whore being pimped by Neocon dream-tanks devoid of logistical reality and praying for time-- American aims, most acutely those critical to the survival of Iraq, continue to go unrealized and the Turks, who are not afraid to actually ascertain and act on such intel, exercise their courage in preparation--
Positing fairy tale as fact prevents alternative policy plans from being postulated and possibly implemented but beyond the dubious pretense of smiley-face optimism comes the Grim Reaper and his roster of freshly dead spent to sustain such fictional folly-- The specter of Tet raises a reminder to stew minds besieged by the rumors of catastrophe and the demoralization attendant DC's spin crews-- Reports now circulating suggest General Petraeus is seeking an immediate alternative policy direction away from the failed tactical strategy of Bush's Surge-- Wasting precious time until September is not a viable option on the killing grounds of Iraq-- The pro-Surge pundit-ocracy is apparently busy defending a position no longer applicable asking for time no longer available-- A step and a half behind events, reactive before pro-active, coming in on a wing and a prayer-- Hard landing awaits--
Alluding constantly to future chaos, rampant bloodletting and mindless vengeance that would attend withdrawal of American Troops allows the unconcerned to ignore the degree to which this insidious mayhem and collapse already exists as a direct result of the initial Occupation and an ongoing response to the vagaries of its unplanned operations-- That both the White House and the Congress either cannot perceive this or simply opt to ignore it through rhetorical charades and the omnipresent art of plausible deniability is testimony to the bankrupt venality and self-serving vacuity of posturing US leadership and it bodes ominously for the stability of our imminent future--
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Labels: Bush, defeat in Iraq, Insurgents, kagan clan, kirkuk, krauthammare, kristol, Lieberman's ilk, pakistan, Petraeus, Turkey
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