Thursday, July 12, 2007


Remember Don Rumsfeld beaming cocksure and invincible from his deadly lectern like a schoolboy at the head of his class oblivious to the real game awaiting him at recess on the hard asphalt play-gound where the talk as always had to be walked-- Rumpot, if you remember, had just finished telling all of Europe that they were old and irrelevant because they were so reluctant to join the Neocon juggernaut in the quick and obviously inevitable Middle Eastern ascension of The Project For A New American Century-- With ultimate Victory already ordained, European timidity (ultimately good sense) would certainly not be apportioned any share in the victors' spoils-- Seems like a long time ago, but where is Rummy these days??-- And who, steeped in oceans of unnecessary bloodshed and shunted to a stool on the back porch of history, wears the laurel of irrelevance today?--

Those credentialed enough to apply are too numerous to name but Mr. Bush certainly begs for ample consideration-- Acknowledging in a White House Report this moment is crucial, The President this morning also reiterated,"I believe (my italics) we can succeed" even as the official account predicted another increase to violent insurgent attacks and the resultant up-tick of sustained American casualties in the coming months-- Gone is the confident certitude of "We will prevail" that in the past so often punctuated his speeches to the American people-- From 'we' to 'I' and from 'will' to 'believe', we are now down to the bedrock of trembling faith and from the collective to the singular, it is the faith of an isolated individual spurning the life preserver hard-fact is offering--

On de-Ba'athification Reform, to cite one benchmark from the negative majority of 18 imperatives operating in theatre, the report euphemistically pronounces 'a lack of satisfactory progress'-- (Above all else, never call a spade a failure) This really is a bastard form of re-Ba'athification intended to give the former torturers and bureaucratic hacks of Saddam's malignant party apparatus enough political clout in the Iraqi parliament to induce it (also with promises of oil profit-sharing) to refrain from further violence against the occupation-- Concocted in some air-conditioned Neo-con dream-tank this proposal probably wore an ideal glow for those corpulently cushioned in their over-stuffed easy chairs mint- juleps ever at the ready, but for the Shiites now esconsced in authority, empty as it may be, in the Iraqi government the bald-faced fact is the Sunnis are The Enemy, have been and will continue to be and are not, cannot and must not ever be trusted-- This is real war--

Since the US, in all those years of supporting Saddam, never gave a real rat's eyelash about how poorly his henchmen roughed-up and ill-treated the Shia majority and how deep the residual debt of blood-payback runs in the Shia psyche, the current Administration is incapable of understanding the intensely bitter situation it intends to arbiter--The US position here is quite irrelevant from the militia/insurgent point of view and no matter how often the State Department still denounces the apt description of the ongoing fight between these two sectarian opponents as a civil war, no alternative semantic option will alter the continuing carnage-- Or get the Bushies off the chopping block----

Not every civil war unfolds within the tactical and/or philosophical parameters of the Blue versus the Gray-- Ours wasn't the only Civil War in the history books or the only manner a civil war is allowed to play itself out-- But to cite a positive benchmark from the report, praise went to the efficacy of the government's agile condemnation of major attacks referring to one in Samarra last month-- A verbal laceration.... a quick reaction..... clearly a bureaucratic hook from which to hang an irrelevant hope..... Quality tactics from a 21st Century Government.... maybe a new subscription to the Weekly Standard or an invitation to a bow from the besottedly blind AEI both of whom while away their own irrelevance by contriving to find self-exoneration for their own complicity in this worsening debacle--

By extrapolating from the moderate success (attacks down nearly 50% to a still rather high 26 per day) in largely Sunni Anbar Province, The Neocons posit a potential countrywide grassroots movement of dis-illusioned insurgents almost ready to join the coalition and drive the Qaedas from Iraq because a few tribal sheiks aided America against local Al Qaeda bad-boys holed up in Anbar-- With this miraculous surge-induced event almost tactile but still really visible only to true Neocon believers, Victory's bliss yet waits just round the corner-- Republican traitors in the Senate are the only ones now capable of gumming up the works-- Victory an inch away in the dream when it does give way to hard fact on the ground will still provide The Cabal their complicity-denying slogan-- Defeat snatched from the jaws of Victory---Stabbed in The Back!!

Mr. Bush casts a pathetic lonesome figure as Republicans begin to desert the sinking ship-- The Demies locked in the blatant irrelevance of ineffectual performance wait like coddled visionless buzzards to feast none too soon on the collapsing administration carcass, always striving for maximum election year advantage and media exposure uber alles-- That Mr. Bush had to wait for the 4th of July celebration to commute Scooter Libby's jail sentence, slipping it in under the radar via a press release in the wee hours of the hard-news cycle, marks how far the Decider in Chief has fallen and how much oomph there is left in the administration tank-- Sadly this is not now and never has been a strong leader at the helm of an ascendant nation but now a burnt out filling station attendant coming home from work with one too many under his belt...... running on empty--

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