Sunday, July 29, 2007


Hillary has finally made it!!!-- Badmouthing the cautious but sensible position of Obama that the US should be engaged with its enemies as somehow 'naive and irresponsible', has brought the pandering facho Queen of AIPAC into the hallowed realm of the Neocon version of Valhalla--Brooks, Krauthammer, Kristol, along with many more to come, have all jumped on Hillary's bandwagon offering sycophantic syrupy accolades to the seasoned and oh so shrewd perpetual politician--

That Obama's stance was so eminently sensible that even degenerate Neocons, suffering mightily from the heavy and intense glare echoing their defeat in Iraq, can recognize the stupidity inherent in Hillary's negative retort as an electoral liability even the 'pygmy' candidates (to borrow Newt's phrase) of the severely damaged repo-party may, perchance, have success against in next years' campaign combat-- It is not as if they have never before attempted to gallop toward ruin inside mega-deception only to find such success way beyond their stated intentions--
Didn't Hillary's own naivete as well as her own irresponsibility aid and abet the Neocon misadventure in Iraq by actually voting for it quite to the contrary of her persistent denial of any complicity-- The suddenly world-wise pose of Mrs. Clinton is disingenuous, to say the least, and exposes her disconnect from both the responsibility she isn't man enough to accept and the reality she consistently attempts to evade-- She is certainly not alone in this on either side of the aisle, for sure, and perhaps that is why such not so deft accusations of her opponent meets with such resplendent Neocon praise-- Hillary and the Neocons...... fellow travelers!!!--

Basking in their wildly appreciative glow, Hillary will probably and privately take their complimentary praise as an ego endorsement or perhaps one more chink in the armor of 'the biggest glass ceiling of them all' without realizing the Neocons are just doing what they have done so well all along as their pet project for a New American Century disintegrates before their very eyes and that is, erecting facile constructs that resemble missions accomplished but in truth are grasping at the proverbial straw-- Think about it, if the Neocon punditry, damning with excessive praise, actually believes Hillary is somehow and so suddenly the real deal, how could she be??--

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